IPIPGO ip proxy How to set up http proxy for NetEase Cloud

How to set up http proxy for NetEase Cloud

As an enthusiast who is passionate about music and using Android system, NetEase Cloud Music is undoubtedly my choice. However, sometimes when using NetEase Cloud Music, we may...

How to set up http proxy for NetEase Cloud

As an enthusiast who is passionate about music and using Android system, NetEase Cloud Music is undoubtedly my choice. However, sometimes when using NetEase Cloud Music, we may encounter some limitations. For example, when entering some music festivals or enjoying the rich music resources around the world, we may find that certain contents cannot be accessed, which is very disturbing. Good thing, we have a way to solve this problem! By setting up an HTTP proxy, we can break these limitations and make the world of music wider. Next, let me give you a detailed introduction on how to set up HTTP proxy for NetEase Cloud Music on your Android phone!

Step 1: Find an appropriate HTTP proxy

Before we start the setup, we first need to find a suitable HTTP proxy. By HTTP proxy, we mean that it acts as a middleman presence, sending our request to the target server and forwarding what the server returns to us. To put it simply, it's like a jumping off point for our request to bypass certain restrictions.

There are many free HTTP proxies to choose from, but be aware that some free proxies can be unstable and even leak our personal information. Therefore, it is important to find a stable and reliable proxy. For example, you can choose some well-known service providers, which usually provide stable and anonymous HTTP proxy services, such as the famous Express, Nord and so on.

Step 2: Configure the HTTP proxy for Android

Once we have found the right HTTP proxy, we can start configuring our Android. Here are the exact steps to do so:

1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone.

2. Find and click on the "Wi-Fi" option in the Settings screen.

3. In the Wi-Fi interface, long-press the Wi-Fi network you are connected to and select the "Modify Network" option.

4. In the Modify Network screen, scroll down to the Advanced Options section.

5. In Advanced Options, find the "Proxy" option and click on it.

6. In the Agent screen, select Manual.

7. In the Manual Settings screen, locate the "Proxy Server Hostname" and "Proxy Server Port Number" options.

8. In both options, fill in the server address and port number of the HTTP proxy you obtained.

9. When the settings are complete, click the "Save" or "Apply" button.

Step 3: Test if the proxy is working

After setting up, we need to test whether the proxy is effective. We can open the Netease cloud music, try to access some of the blocked content, such as the works of some domestic musicians or some other restricted resources. If we can successfully access these contents, it means that our proxy settings are successful!

It is important to note that sometimes the proxy may fail for various reasons, causing us to be unable to access some web pages or content normally. In this case, we can try to change another proxy server or reconfigure the proxy settings to ensure the stability and reliability of the proxy.

Setting up an HTTP proxy in NetEase Cloud Music not only helps us solve some access restriction problems, but also allows us to enjoy more music resources. By this way, we are like hanging a pair of isolation masks on the foggy street, so we can breathe freely and listen to our heart's content. There is no doubt that this will bring more surprises to our music journey!

Write at the end:

By setting up HTTP proxy on Android phones, we can break the limitations of Netflix and swim in the ocean of music. No longer bound by geographical restrictions, we can enjoy music works from all over the world. However, we should also be more careful when using HTTP proxy, choose a stable and reliable proxy, and always keep an eye on the status of the proxy to ensure our network security. May our music journey become more and more colorful!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10074.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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