IPIPGO ip proxy Download Domestic Free Proxy IP

Download Domestic Free Proxy IP

What is Proxy IP? Proxy IP (Proxy IP) is a networking tool used to hide real IP addresses. By using Proxy IP, users can...

Download Domestic Free Proxy IP

What is a proxy IP?

Proxy IP (Proxy IP) is a network tool used to hide the real IP address. By using Proxy IP, users can replace their real IP address with the IP address of the proxy server when accessing websites or applications, so as to achieve the purpose of anonymous access, access to domestic restricted resources and so on. Proxy IP is widely used in network security testing, data collection, cross-border e-commerce and other fields.

Advantages of Domestic Free Proxy IP

For some developers who need to visit domestic websites frequently, it is especially important to get some stable domestic free proxy IPs. And the advantage of free proxy IP is self-evident, after all, saving money is not a bad thing. But how can you get a free and high-quality proxy IP?

How to get free proxy IP in China?

1. Public proxy IP sites: There are some websites that provide some public free proxy IPs, we can get free proxy IPs directly from these websites.
2. Proxy IP Pool: Some proxy IP providers will provide some free proxy IP pools from which we can get some available proxy IPs.
3. Crawler crawl: We can also write a crawler program to crawl free proxy IP resources from some websites.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_free_proxy_ip():: url = ''
url = 'https://www.free-proxy-list.net/'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
proxy_list = []
for row in soup.find_all('tr')[1:]:: columns = row.find_all('tr')[1:].
columns = row.find_all('td')
ip = columns[0].get_text()
port = columns[1].get_text()
protocol = columns[6].get_text()
proxy = f'{protocol}://{ip}:{port}'
return proxy_list

Above is a simple crawler program written using Python's requests library and BeautifulSoup library to get a list of free proxy IPs from a specified website.

The use of domestic free proxy IP

After getting free proxy IPs, we need to understand how to use them in programming. Below is an example of how to send an HTTP request using a proxy IP in the Python language:

import requests
def use_proxy(proxy): url = ''
url = 'http://httpbin.org/ip'
proxies = {
'http': proxy, 'https': proxy
'https': proxy
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
proxy = 'http://123.456.789.101:8080' replace with actual proxy IP

In the above example, we used the requests library and sent HTTP requests using a proxy IP by specifying the proxies parameter.

Notes on Domestic Free Proxy IP

1. Free proxy IPs are usually less stable and available, and may have problems such as connection timeouts and slow speeds.
2. The use of free proxy IP need to pay attention to the laws and regulations and privacy security, to avoid violating the relevant laws or leakage of personal privacy.


Getting a free domestic proxy IP is not difficult, but you need to choose and use it carefully. In practical applications, it is recommended to choose the right proxy IP service provider according to specific needs to ensure stable and reliable proxy services. I hope this article is helpful to you, and I wish you to go farther and farther on the road of programming!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10106.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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