IPIPGO global proxy How to enable Global Proxy Mode in Google Chrome

How to enable Global Proxy Mode in Google Chrome

Entering the marvelous world of the Internet, a safe, stable and user-friendly browser is bound to be your essential weapon. And as we all know, Google Chrome has been known for its...

How to enable Global Proxy Mode in Google Chrome

Entering the wonderful world of the Internet, a safe, stable and user-friendly browser is bound to be your essential weapon. As we all know, Google Chrome has been conquering countless users with its excellent performance and rich features. Today, we are going to talk about one of the black technologies - Global Proxy Mode. With this mode, you can travel around the world's websites as if you were traveling through time and space, and enjoy a different kind of adventure!

What is the global proxy model?

First, let's take a brief look at what global proxy mode is. Global Proxy Mode means that by using a proxy server to relay network requests, all network requests passing through the browser can be intercepted and forwarded by the proxy server. In this way, you can achieve the purpose of hiding the real IP address, breaking the geographic restrictions, accessing the blocked websites, and so on.

Walk around the world with Google Chrome!

1. Break the geographical limitations and travel the world freely

Every country has its own rules and regulations, so some websites may be restricted based on your geographic location. However, when you turn on Global Proxy Mode, you can act like an invisible traveler, crossing the borders of the world at will and accessing websites that would otherwise be out of reach for you. For example, you can easily travel thousands of kilometers away from you to foreign countries, close to the unique charm of the culture of each place.

2. Secure and private, protect your safety

In the era of information explosion, protecting personal privacy becomes an increasingly important issue. When you use Global Proxy Mode, your real IP address will be hidden and your network traffic will be encrypted, effectively protecting your personal privacy. It's as if you are transformed into a mysterious agent with your identity protected at the highest level, sneaking into the dark corners of the Internet like a swimming dragon into the enemy lines, and absolutely making it impossible for anyone to do anything about it.

3. Break the blockade and enjoy the diversity

Some websites are blocked for various reasons, making it impossible for you to access them. However, when you turn on Global Proxy Mode, you can easily cross these blocked barriers and enjoy diverse web content. Just like a wise key expert, you can open the blocked doors at will, so that you can enjoy all the fun that is forbidden.

How do I enable global proxy mode?

For those of you who love adventure, turning on Global Proxy Mode is like an equipment upgrade to make you more comfortable on your journey through the Internet. Here, we'll go through a few simple steps to make it happen.

1. First, open your favorite Google Chrome browser, click the "three dots" button on the right side of the address bar, and select "Settings" option.

2. On the Settings page, click the "Advanced" option on the left navigation bar, and then click "Open Proxy Settings".

3. In the pop-up window, find the "LAN Settings" column and click the "Proxy Server Settings" button under "LAN Settings".

4. On the Proxy Server Settings page, check the "Proxy Server" option, and then fill in the "Address" and "Port" input boxes with the address and port number of the proxy server. If you don't have a proxy server, you can go to the search engine to find a safe and reliable proxy server.

5. Finally, click the "OK" button to save the settings and exit. At this point, you have successfully opened the global proxy mode, you can always enjoy the fun of traveling around the world.

Tip: When using the global proxy mode, you need to choose the proxy server carefully. Insecure proxy servers may lead to leakage of your personal information or slowdown of the network, so be sure to choose those verified and stable proxy servers.


With Google Chrome's Global Proxy Mode, we can swim freely in the world of the Internet without any restrictions. It brings us not only the freedom and security of network access, but also a way to expand our horizons and explore the unknown. It allows us, like brave explorers, to roam across any corner of the information age and discover more interesting things. Open Google Chrome, start a global adventure, from now on, you will have a new Internet world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10210.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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