IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy How to buy a domestic proxy IP?

How to buy a domestic proxy IP?

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about how to buy a domestic proxy IP. nowadays, with the development of the global Internet and the increase in the demand for internationalization, the purchase of the country proxy IP has...

How to buy a domestic proxy IP?

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about how to buy a domestic proxy IP. nowadays, with the development of the global Internet and the increase of internationalization demand, buying a country proxy IP has become more and more people's needs. However, for some white people, it seems to be a difficult mystery. Don't worry, today I'll explain the specific steps and considerations for purchasing.

I. Selection of agency service providers

Before buying a domestic proxy IP, we first need to choose a reliable proxy service provider. There are many such companies in the market now, such as the common ipipgo, Shenlong Domestic Proxy and so on. We need to make a comprehensive evaluation of them to see whether the services they provide are stable and reliable, whether the price is reasonable, and also whether they can provide the type and number of domestic IPs we need.

In addition to these basic considerations, we also need to watch out for some additional features, such as whether it provides an API interface, whether it supports protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS, and whether it provides multiple authentication methods, and so on. These features will affect the convenience and effectiveness of the process of purchasing and using a proxy IP.

II. Purchase of proxy IP packages

After choosing a proxy service provider, we need to buy the appropriate proxy IP package. The choice here will depend on our actual needs and budget. Generally speaking, proxy service providers will offer a variety of package options covering different prices, number of IPs, usage hours and service features.

We need to choose the right package according to our needs. If we only use proxy IPs occasionally and only need a small number of IPs, then choosing some small packages will be fine; if we are professional data crawlers or developers, then purchasing large packages may be more suitable for us.

C. Getting Proxy IP

After purchasing the proxy IP package, we can start to get the proxy IP. Generally speaking, the proxy service provider will provide us with a proxy authorization link or API interface, through which we can get the proxy IP.

Take ipipgo as an example, they provide a tool through which we can get proxy IPs. before using it, we need to download and configure the tool first. Once the configuration is done, we can get the appropriate IPs on demand.

One thing to note here is that the proxy IPs obtained are usually in the form of IP:Port. We may also need to make some additional settings when using it, such as setting User-Agent to simulate different browsers, or setting Referer to break through some anti-crawler mechanisms and so on. This will allow us to maximize the use of our proxy IP.

Fourth, the use of proxy IP

After getting proxy IPs, we can start using them. Using proxy IPs involves some specific operations, such as how to set proxy IPs, how to use proxy IPs for data crawling and so on. Here we take Python as an example to introduce the basic process of using proxy IP.

First, we need to install a third-party library for Python, such as requests. this library provides some convenient methods for making HTTP requests. Once installed, we can start writing code.

import requests

proxies = {
'http': 'http://代理IP:端口号',
'https': 'https://代理IP:端口号',

response = requests.get('URL to access', proxies=proxies)

In the above code, we first define a dictionary of proxies, where http and https correspond to the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, respectively. We need to fill in the proxy IP and port number into it.

We then sent a GET request using the get method in the requests library and passed our proxy IP to the method via the proxies parameter. This way, we can use the proxy IP to access the specified URL.

Of course, this is just a simple example. In practice, we may need to handle some other cases, such as adding request headers, handling exceptions, etc.


Through the above introduction, I believe we have a better understanding of how to buy a domestic proxy IP. Although this process may be a little complicated for some white people, but as long as we follow the above steps, I believe that we will soon be able to master this skill.

Of course, in the process of using proxy IP, we also need to comply with relevant laws and regulations and service providers, do not carry out illegal activities, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10214.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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