IPIPGO ip proxy How to use http proxy on android phone

How to use http proxy on android phone

When we use our cell phones to access the Internet, we often encounter some restrictions, blocking or blocking. This is because some websites or apps use IP address blocking...

How to use http proxy on android phone

When we are using our cell phones to access the Internet, we often encounter some restrictions, blocking or blocking. This is due to the fact that some websites or apps use IP address blocking to restrict access, making it impossible for us to access them properly. However, Android phones offer a solution to this by using an HTTP proxy. Today, I'm going to show you how to use HTTP proxies on your Android phone to make your internet travel beyond the Great Wall of China.

I. Why use HTTP proxy?

In our online world, there are countless websites, applications and so on, which belong to different regions and countries. And sometimes, some regions or countries will block some websites or applications in order to realize the purpose of information control, network blocking and so on. This results in us not being able to access some of the resources we need. HTTP proxy is one of the ways to bypass such blocking. With the use of HTTP proxy, our mobile Internet traffic is like traveling through a tunnel, hiding the real content and destination of the communication, so that we can communicate with the blocked resources.

Second, set the Android phone HTTP proxy

To use HTTP proxy on Android phone, first we need to prepare an available HTTP proxy address and port number. Usually, free proxy server addresses are very unstable, so I recommend you to choose some paid proxy service providers, such as ipipgo, and so on. These proxy service providers will provide some stable and reliable proxy servers for us to use.

1. Open the "Settings" option of your phone and find "Wi-Fi" in "Wireless and Networks" or "Networks and Internet". Wi-Fi" in "Wireless and Networks" or "Networks and Internet".

2. In the "Wi-Fi" menu, find and long-press the name of the Wi-Fi you want to connect to, and then select "Modify Network".

3. In the next settings screen, locate and check the "Advanced Options" box.

4. In Advanced Options, find the "Proxy" option and select "Manual".

5. In Manual Settings, enter the address and port number of the proxy server you purchased.

For example, you purchase a proxy service that gives you a proxy server address of and a port number of 8080. Then you enter the server address as and the port number as 8080.

With this, you have completed the HTTP proxy setup for your Android phone.

III. Verify that the proxy is in effect

In order to verify whether the HTTP proxy we set up is in effect, we can open our phone's browser, type in a URL that has been blocked, such as Facebook, and then try to access the URL. If everything is fine, it means your HTTP proxy has taken effect.

Fourth, choose the HTTP proxy method that suits you

In addition to the above described ways to set up HTTP proxy, there are actually many other options, such as using ipipgo or other proxy methods. These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, you can choose according to your own needs and preferences.


By setting up an HTTP proxy, we can bypass some blocking, restrictions, etc. and access blocked websites and applications. Android phones provide a convenient way to set up the HTTP proxy so that we can use it easily. However, we should also pay attention to security issues when using HTTP proxy, choose some reliable proxy service providers and protect our personal information.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10218.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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