IPIPGO ip proxy Free way to get domestic proxy server IP

Free way to get domestic proxy server IP

What is a proxy server A proxy server is a type of computer that sits between a user and a target server, it acts as a middleman between the user and the target server, the proxy...

Free way to get domestic proxy server IP

What is a proxy server

A proxy server is a computer that sits between a user and a target server and acts as an intermediary between the user and the target server. The proxy server receives the user's request, forwards it to the target server, and then returns the target server's response to the user. Proxy servers have many uses, one of which is to hide the user's real IP address and protect the user's privacy.

Why do you need a domestic proxy server

Access to domestic websites may be affected by geo-location restrictions, network blocking or access restrictions. In this case, using a domestic proxy server can help users break through these restrictions and access blocked websites or services.

Free way to get domestic proxy server IP

1. Exposing proxy server lists

There are many websites that provide free proxy server lists from which users can get the IP addresses and port numbers of proxy servers. These lists are usually updated on a regular basis and users can choose the latest and faster proxy server to use. Below is a simple Python code example for getting a proxy server IP address from a public proxy server list website:
import requests
def get_proxy_list(url).
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
proxy_list = response.text.split('n')
return proxy_list
print("Failed to retrieve proxy list")
return []
url = "https://www.proxy-list.download/api/v1/get?type=https"
proxy_list = get_proxy_list(url)

2. Using the proxy server API

Some websites provide free proxy server APIs that users can call to get the IP address and port number of the proxy server. This method is usually more convenient and stable, and users don't need to grab the proxy server list from the website themselves. Below is a simple Python code example for calling a proxy server API to get the proxy server IP address:
import requests
def get_proxy_from_api(api_url).
response = requests.get(api_url)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
proxy_data = response.json()
proxy_ip = proxy_data['ip']
proxy_port = proxy_data['port']
return f"{proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}"
print("Failed to retrieve proxy from API")
return ""
api_url = "https://api.getproxylist.com/proxy"
proxy = get_proxy_from_api(api_url)

3. Self-built proxy servers

import requests
def visit_website_through_proxy(url, proxy).
proxies = {
'http': f'socks5://{proxy}',
'https': f'socks5://{proxy}'
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
print("Failed to visit website through proxy")
url = "https://www.example.com"
proxy = “” 请替换为自己的ipipgo代理服务器地址和端口
visit_website_through_proxy(url, proxy)


There are various methods to get domestic proxy server IP, including getting it from public proxy server list, using proxy server API and building your own proxy server. Users can choose the appropriate method according to their needs and technical level in order to smoothly access restricted domestic websites and services.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10305.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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