IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy How to use domestic proxy IP

How to use domestic proxy IP

In the age of the Internet, more and more people are expanding into the domestic market from home, whether it's for domestic shopping, studying abroad, gaming or retrieving domestic content, you need to make...

How to use domestic proxy IP

In the Internet era, more and more people are expanding into the domestic market from home. Whether it's for domestic shopping, studying abroad, gaming or retrieving domestic content, you need to use a domestic IP address. However, due to the limitation of geographic location, we can't get the domestic IP address directly, this time we need to use the domestic proxy IP to realize.

What is a proxy IP?

Proxy IP refers to accessing the Internet through an intermediary server, which is located in China and initiates requests to the target website instead of us. By using Proxy IP, we can change our IP address to a domestic IP address, thus breaking through the geographical limitation and enjoying the international Internet.

Step 1: Choose a reliable proxy service provider

To use a domestic proxy IP, you first need to choose a reliable proxy service provider. When choosing a proxy service provider, we need to consider the following factors: price, speed, stability and availability. Many proxy service providers can be found on the Internet, and this is when we need to compare and choose the one that best suits our needs.

Step 2: Purchase a Proxy IP

The process of purchasing a proxy IP is similar to purchasing other internet services, we need to select the appropriate service package on the proxy service provider's website, fill in our personal information and pay for it. Generally speaking, the price of a proxy IP varies according to the scarcity and availability of the IP, so we can choose according to our needs and budget.

Step 3: Configure Proxy IP

After purchasing a proxy IP, we need to configure it in order to use it. Generally speaking, proxy service providers will provide corresponding instructions and tutorials, we can follow the tutorials to configure. The following is an example of how to configure a proxy IP for Windows.

1. Open Settings: Click the "Start" button at the bottom right corner of the screen, find the "Settings" icon and click on it.
2. Go to Network Settings: In the Settings window, click on the "Network and Internet" option.
3. Open Proxy Settings: In the Network and Internet Settings screen, click the "Proxy" option in the left navigation bar.
4. Configure Proxy IP: In the Proxy Settings interface, turn on the "Manually Set Proxy Server" switch and fill in the address and port number of the proxy server. This information can be found in the page provided by the proxy service provider.
5. Save Settings: When the configuration is complete, click the "Save" button to save the settings.

Step 4: Verify that the proxy IP is successful

After the configuration is finished, we need to verify whether the proxy IP has worked successfully. We can try to visit some domestic websites or use some domestic applications, if they can be accessed normally, it means the proxy IP has worked successfully.


By using Domestic Proxy IP, we can change our IP address and realize to break through the geographical limitation to access domestic websites and applications. In the process of using proxy IP, we need to choose a reliable proxy service provider, buy a proxy IP and follow the tutorial to configure it. With these steps, we can easily enjoy the domestic network resources and expand our international horizons.

I hope that through the introduction of this article, you can understand more about the use of domestic proxy IP, so that in the Internet world unimpeded. I wish you all a happy use!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10325.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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