IPIPGO ip proxy How to set up and use IP Proxy in 360 Browser

How to set up and use IP Proxy in 360 Browser

Dear guys, today we are going to talk about an interesting topic - how to set up and use IP proxy in 360 browser. Maybe some of you guys heard this...

How to set up and use IP Proxy in 360 Browser

Dear guys, today we are going to talk about an interesting topic - how to set up and use IP proxy in 360 browser. Maybe some of you will feel a bit strange when you hear this word, don't worry, I will give you a detailed description of this process in the most user-friendly language. Without further ado, let's explore it together!

Step 1: Understand the basic concepts of IP proxies

Before we get into the specific settings, let's first take a brief look at IP Proxy, which is a way to anonymize network access by changing the IP address of the network communication and hiding the user's real IP address. Simply put, it's like finding a "double" for yourself, so that you can hide your real identity when browsing the web, and at the same time, get more access privileges.

Step 2: Download and install 360 Browser

First, we need to download and install a browser that supports IP proxy function. Here I recommend you to use 360 browser, because it is both stable and safe, and it is very convenient to set IP proxy. You can go to the 360 website to download and install the latest version of 360 browser.

Step 3: Enter the settings interface of 360 Browser

After the installation is complete, we open the 360 browser, in the upper right corner of the menu bar to find the "Settings" button, and click to enter the settings interface. Students, this "Settings" button is like our human navigator, which can lead us into the various magical world of the browser!

Step 4: Find and click on "Advanced Settings".

In the left menu bar of the settings screen, we find and click on the "Advanced Settings" button. This is the turning point of the settings, as if we have found a mysterious passage in a small mountain that leads to a whole new world!

Step 5: Enable IP proxy function

In the "Advanced Settings" interface, we can see a lot of options, you find the "Network and Security" section, and then click the "Proxy Settings" button below. Next, a little treasure will be revealed! In the pop-up window, check "Enable proxy server", and then fill in the address and port number of the proxy server we prepared.

Tip: Regarding the way to get a proxy server, we can search for some free proxy servers on the Internet or buy some stable and reliable proxy services.

Step 6: Test whether the IP proxy is effective

After setting up the proxy server, we can click the "Test IP" button on the interface to verify whether our settings are successful. However, students should note that the proxy server we use may sometimes have some small problems, just like us humans, is not perfect.

If the test is successful, then congratulations, you have successfully set up and used an IP proxy! From now on, you can freely and mysteriously travel through the world of network like a ninja hidden in the darkness.


With these few small steps, we have successfully mastered the way to set up and use IP Proxy in 360 Browser. Whether it's to avoid access restrictions or to hide your real identity, IP Proxy can bring us a lot of convenience and security.

Of course, sometimes we have to face the problems of stability and speed of proxy servers, but this does not prevent us from enjoying the unlimited possibilities brought by IP proxies. I hope that today's sharing can bring you some new knowledge, so that we are more comfortable in the huge network world. Remember guys, into a live car, always have to look at the sky, make good use of IP proxies, let our network journey more exciting it!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10375.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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