IPIPGO ip proxy How to choose a good proxy IP?

How to choose a good proxy IP?

Proxy IP address is a very important existence in the network world, which can help us to hide our real IP address and achieve better protection of personal privacy. But...

How to choose a good proxy IP?

Proxy IP address is a very important existence in the network world, it can help us hide the real IP address, to achieve the purpose of better protection of personal privacy. However, in the vast amount of proxy IP addresses, there are always some good proxy IP addresses, today we will talk about how to choose a good proxy IP address.

I. Classification of proxy IP addresses

Before we choose a proxy IP address, it is important to first understand the classification of proxy IP addresses. Based on the relationship between the proxy server and the client, proxy IP addresses can be categorized into transparent proxies, anonymous proxies, and high stash proxies.

1. Transparent agents

Transparent proxy is a proxy server does not disguise the real IP address of the outside world, after the client's request passes through the proxy server, the target server can directly obtain the real IP address of the client. It is like in interpersonal communication, transparent proxy is like a girl wearing a tulle dress, everything is exposed, there is no privacy to speak of.

2. Anonymous agents

During the transmission process of an anonymous proxy, the proxy server will modify the IP address of the client, but the target server cannot directly obtain the real IP address of the client. Compared to a transparent proxy, an anonymous proxy is like a dancer wearing a white mask, others can't see her real face, but may see some clues to deduce her identity.

3. High-concealment agents

A high stash proxy is a proxy server that completely hides the client's real IP address, and the target server cannot get the client's real IP address. A high stash proxy is like a mysterious behind-the-scenes character, unable to track down any information about her, making people completely unable to guess.

Second, choose a good proxy IP address

Now that we've learned about the classification of proxy IP addresses, let's talk about how to choose a good proxy IP address to use.

1. Stability

First, we need to pick a stable proxy IP address. If a proxy IP address often fails to connect, or frequently times out the connection, it is a bad proxy IP address to use. Just like an easily disconnected phone line, you are always unable to have a smooth conversation with the other party.

2. Speed

Second, we need to pick a fast proxy IP address. After all, no one wants the web to open slowly. It's like a slow delivery boy, you wait impatiently, always feel that he is as slow as a tortoise.

3. Protection of privacy

Finally, we need to choose a proxy IP address that can better protect our privacy. Some proxy IP addresses may record the user's online information, so our personal privacy is at risk of being compromised. It's like when you unintentionally expose your bank card password and let the bad guys have it without any effort.

Three, some good proxy IP address examples

Next, let me give you some examples of good proxy IP addresses.

1. IPIPGO (https://www.ipipgo.com/)

IPIPGO is a very popular free proxy IP address provider, which offers many types of proxy IP addresses such as transparent proxy, anonymous proxy and high stash proxy. Here, you can choose the right proxy IP address according to different needs, and you can also filter by region, type, etc., which is very convenient.

2. Dragon Agents (https://h.shenlongip.com/)

Dragon Proxy is also a very good proxy IP address provider, it provides proxy IP addresses with good stability and relatively fast speed, and there are also paid proxy IP addresses available for better privacy protection.

IV. Summary


This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/10469.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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