IPIPGO reverse proxy Configuring a reverse proxy for node.js in the Pagoda panel

Configuring a reverse proxy for node.js in the Pagoda panel

In this fantasy world of the Internet, there is a magical pagoda that can make websites run like a dragon. It is like a magician who can bring all kinds of mysterious power...

Configuring a reverse proxy for node.js in the Pagoda panel

In this fantastical world of the Internet, there is a magical pagoda that can make a website run like a dragon. It is like a magician who can transform all kinds of mysterious powers into the form we need. Today, I will tell you how to configure the reverse proxy of node.js in the pagoda panel to add an infinite charm to our website.

a fog shrouded (idiom); enveloped in the mists

Before entering the Pagoda panel, it is as if we are in a thick fog and we don't know what to do. However, when we step into the realm of the Pagoda, all confusion dissipates and everything becomes clear.

Quick Setup

First, we need to create a website in the Pagoda panel, which is like planting a seed for future growth. Next, we need to install the node.js environment, which is like watering the seed to allow it to thrive.

The Power of Magic

Now, let's use the "Reverse Proxy" feature in Magic Pagoda. Like a wizard, we can easily send requests from one place to another, like looking through a mirror to another world.

activate the magic power

Before we configure the reverse proxy, we have to make sure that nginx is installed on the machine and that it will be used as the web server for our website. This is like preparing a magic prop to add more power to our magic.

work magic

Now, let's configure the reverse proxy. First of all, we need to find the website we created in the Pagoda panel, just like finding the target where we want to cast a spell. Then, click on the "Reverse Proxy" option to enter the wizard's workshop.

The mystery of magic.

In the wizard's workshop, we need to fill in some mysterious parameters. First, we have to choose the "proxy directory", which is like choosing the target of the magic. Then, we have to enter the "Reverse Proxy Destination URL", which is like telling the wizard where to send the magic.

Unleash the magic.

Now, all we need to do is click the "Add" button and we're ready to unleash the magic! The Pagoda panel will instantly create a magic rule for us that will send the request from the website to the target URL. it's like releasing a bolt of lightning that instantly transfers energy to the target.

Perfect magic.

Now, our website has been successfully configured with a reverse proxy for node.js! It's like completing a perfect magic show, which caused countless audiences to marvel and applaud. Our website will have more powerful functions to attract more visitors and users.

The magic continues.

However, the Magic Pagoda doesn't stop there, it offers many other magical features waiting for us to explore. Just like a magic book full of magic, we can keep flipping through its pages to discover more surprises.

concluding remarks

By configuring the reverse proxy of node.js through the pagoda panel, we seem to become a real wizard with the power to change the world. Let's cloak our thorns together and create a better Internet world with the magic pagoda!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/108.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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