IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy Will an amazon store change ip go second?

Will an amazon store change ip go second?

Can an Amazon store IP change lead to a second review? Sellers who run stores on Amazon may encounter a variety of problems, and one of the common ones is I...

Will an amazon store change ip go second?

Can an Amazon store IP change lead to a second trial?

Sellers who operate stores on Amazon may encounter a variety of issues, and one common question is whether a change in IP address triggers a secondary review (i.e., a second review). A second review is an important tool used by Amazon to verify the legitimacy and authenticity of a seller's account, and is usually triggered when there is unusual activity in a seller's account. So, will an Amazon store IP change lead to a second review? Let's explore this in detail.

What is the second trial?

A second review, or secondary audit, is an additional verification process conducted by Amazon to ensure the security of the platform and the legitimacy of the seller. The second review may require the seller to provide additional verification information, such as proof of identity, proof of address, bank statements, etc. If a seller is unable to pass the second review, it may result in the account being restricted or closed.

Impact of IP address changes


How to Reduce the Risk of IP Changes Resulting in a Second Trial

While it is possible for an IP address change to trigger a second trial, not all IP changes cause this problem. Here are some suggestions to minimize the risk:

  • Use a stable internet connection:Try to use a fixed network connection and avoid changing IP addresses frequently.
  • Avoid frequent use of proxy IPs:If you must use a proxy IP, choose a stable, reputable service and try to keep your IP address consistent.
  • Regularly update account information:Make sure your account information (e.g., address, contact information, etc.) is up-to-date to increase the credibility of your account.
  • Follow Amazon's rules:Strictly adhere to Amazon's seller policies and regulations and avoid any behavior that may trigger account anomalies.

Strategies for dealing with the second trial

If you are unfortunate enough to trigger a second trial, don't panic. Here are some strategies for dealing with a second trial:

  • Prepare the relevant documents:Prepare documents such as proof of identity, proof of address, bank statements, etc. in advance so that they can be provided quickly at the second hearing.
  • Maintain communication:Maintain good communication with Amazon's customer service and show your cooperative attitude by responding to their emails and requests in a timely manner.
  • Seek professional help:If you are unfamiliar with the second trial process, you can seek the help of a professional third-party service provider who is experienced in guiding you through the second trial.


It's true that an IP change on an Amazon store can trigger a second review, but not all IP changes lead to this problem. The risk of an IP change leading to a second review can be reduced by using a stable internet connection, avoiding frequent use of proxy IPs, regularly updating account information and following Amazon's rules.

If you are unfortunate enough to trigger the second trial, don't panic, prepare the relevant documents, maintain good communication with Amazon, and seek professional help if necessary, I believe you will be able to successfully pass the second trial and continue to do business on the Amazon platform.

I hope this article was helpful and I wish you well on your Amazon business journey!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11161.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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