IPIPGO ip proxy What is based on the udp protocol, an article to understand the udp protocol

What is based on the udp protocol, an article to understand the udp protocol

In the network world, UDP protocol is like a courier, fast but sometimes may lose the package. Today we will talk about those things based on the UDP protocol...

What is based on the udp protocol, an article to understand the udp protocol

In the network world, the UDP protocol is like a courier, fast but sometimes may lose the package. Today we will talk about those things based on the UDP protocol, to take you deeper understanding of this amazing protocol.

Basic Concepts of the UDP Protocol

UDP, the full name of which is User Datagram Protocol, is a very important part of the Internet Protocol. Unlike the TCP protocol, UDP is a connectionless protocol. It does not require a connection to be established before sending data, nor does it guarantee the reliable transmission of data. It's like a letter carrier who drops letters directly into your mailbox, whether you're at home or not.

How UDP works

The UDP protocol works in a relatively simple way. It divides the data into small datagrams and sends them directly to the receiver. The datagram contains information such as source port, destination port, length and checksum. Because there is no connection process, UDP is very fast, but as a result, there is no guarantee of data integrity or order.

Applications based on the UDP protocol

Although the UDP protocol carries the risk of packet loss and mis-ordering, it is indispensable in certain scenarios. Here are a few common applications based on the UDP protocol:

Real-time video and audio transmission

Real-time video and audio transmission is a typical application scenario for the UDP protocol. For example, video conferencing, webcasting, and online gaming. These applications require low latency, and the connectionless nature of UDP fulfills this need. Although some packets may be lost, this does not have a significant impact on real-time transmission.

DNS lookup

DNS (Domain Name System) queries are also based on the UDP protocol. Whenever you type a web address into your browser, the DNS server resolves the domain name to an IP address. Since a DNS query usually involves sending only a small packet of data, the fast response time feature of UDP makes it ideal for DNS queries.

online game

Online games, especially those that require quick responses such as shooters and competitive games, also make extensive use of the UDP protocol. Every millisecond in a game is critical, and the low-latency nature of UDP ensures that player actions are quickly communicated to the server.

Advantages and disadvantages of the UDP protocol

Since the UDP protocol is so important in certain scenarios, what exactly are its advantages and disadvantages?


1. **Fast**: Since there is no need to establish a connection, UDP transmission is very fast and suitable for real-time applications.

2. **Low overhead**: UDP has less information in the header of the datagram and low transmission overhead.

3. **Simple**: UDP is relatively simple to implement and is suitable for lightweight applications.


1. **Unreliable**: UDP does not guarantee reliable data transmission and packets may be lost or out of sequence.

2. **No flow control**: UDP does not have a flow control mechanism, which can lead to network congestion.

3. **No Error Checksum**: Although there is a simple checksum mechanism, it does not fully guarantee data integrity.

How to use the UDP protocol in real applications

In practice, how can you take advantage of the UDP protocol's strengths while minimizing its weaknesses? Here are some common strategies:

Add redundancy

To minimize the effects of data loss, redundant information can be added to the data. For example, multiple copies of the same packet are sent to ensure that at least one of them reaches the receiver.

application layer calibration

A checksum mechanism is added at the application layer to ensure data integrity. Once data is found to be lost or corrupted, it can be re-requested to be sent.

flow control

Although UDP itself does not have a flow control mechanism, flow control can be implemented at the application layer. For example, limiting the number of packets sent per second to avoid network congestion.


The UDP protocol, though simple, is indispensable in certain scenarios. By understanding how it works and the scenarios in which it can be used, we can better utilize its strengths while taking appropriate measures to reduce the impact of its weaknesses. I hope this article can help you better understand the UDP protocol and become a small expert in the network world!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11167.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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