IPIPGO Crawler Agent Exploring Python Crawler: The Amazing Journey of Proxy IP Configuration

Exploring Python Crawler: The Amazing Journey of Proxy IP Configuration

In today's Internet world, data is like pearls in the ocean, waiting to be discovered and collected. And Python crawler is just the ship to explore the pearls. However...

Exploring Python Crawler: The Amazing Journey of Proxy IP Configuration

In today's Internet world, data is like pearls in the ocean, waiting to be discovered and collected. And Python crawler is exactly the ship that explores the pearls. However, sometimes, direct access to the target website will encounter some restrictions, such as IP blocked. At this time, proxy IP becomes our savior. Today, we will talk about how to configure proxy IP in Python crawler to make your crawler journey smoother.

What is a proxy IP?

Proxy IP, as the name suggests, is an IP address provided by a proxy server. It works like a middleman to help you hide your real IP so that you can avoid being banned for frequently visiting the same website. Imagine a proxy IP is like your invisibility cloak in the online world, helping you to silently access the data you need without being detected.

Why should I use a proxy IP?

In the world of crawlers, there are many benefits to using a proxy IP. First of all, it avoids IP blocking. Many websites have anti-crawler mechanisms that may temporarily or permanently block the same IP if it is found to be frequently accessed.Second, proxy IPs can also improve crawling efficiency. By rotating different proxy IPs, crawlers can access data faster without worrying about being restricted.

How do I get a proxy IP?

There are many ways to get a proxy IP. You can choose free proxy IP services, but these are usually unstable and slow. A better option is to buy paid proxy IP services, which usually offer higher stability and speed. Of course, you can also build your own proxy server, but this requires a certain technical base.

Configuring Proxy IPs in Python Crawler

Next, let's see how to configure proxy IPs in the Python crawler. here we take the requests library as an example to show how to use proxy IPs.

import requests

# Setting proxy IP
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',

# Sending a request using a proxy IP
response = requests.get('http://example.com', proxies=proxies)


In the above code, we first define a proxy IP dictionary that contains proxy IP addresses for HTTP and HTTPS. Then, when we send the request, we pass the proxies parameter to the requests.get method so that the request is sent through the proxy IP.

Rotate IPs using proxy pools

To further improve the efficiency and stability of the crawler, we can rotate IPs using a proxy pool, which is a collection of multiple proxy IPs that randomly selects a proxy IP each time a request is sent, thus avoiding frequent use of the same IP.

import requests
import random

# Define proxy IP pool
proxy_pool = [

# Randomly select a proxy IP
proxy = random.choice(proxy_pool)

# Set the proxy IP
proxies = {
'http': proxy,
'https': proxy,

# sends the request using the proxy IP
response = requests.get('http://example.com', proxies=proxies)


In this code, we first define a pool of proxy IPs and then use the random.choice method to randomly select a proxy IP and set it to the proxies parameter. In this way, each time a request is sent, a different proxy IP is used, thus improving the efficiency and stability of the crawler.

Summary and outlook

By configuring proxy IP, we can effectively avoid IP blocking and improve the efficiency and stability of the crawler. Of course, proxy IP is not everything, some sites have very powerful anti-crawler mechanism, may need more skills and strategies. However, mastering the skill of proxy IP configuration, your crawler journey will be smoother and more interesting. I hope this article can provide you with some useful guidance and inspiration in the world of Python crawling.

In the future, we can also explore more advanced crawling techniques, such as simulating user behavior, using distributed crawlers and so on. I believe that in the continuous learning and practicing, you will find more surprises and fun.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11409.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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