IPIPGO Static IP Proxy How to build your own static IP proxy pool? Make the network smoother!

How to build your own static IP proxy pool? Make the network smoother!

In this era of information explosion, the network has become an integral part of our lives, and the construction of static IP proxy pools is an effective way to enhance the network experience...

How to build your own static IP proxy pool? Make the network smoother!

In this age of information explosion, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, and the construction of a static IP proxy pool is an effective means to enhance the network experience. Today, let's talk about how to build a static IP proxy pool of your own to make the network smoother. Don't worry, this article won't cover complicated technical terms, I'll take you through the process step by step in lively and interesting language.

What is a static IP proxy pool?

First of all, we have to figure out what a static IP proxy pool is. Simply put, a static IP proxy pool is a set of fixed IP addresses through which you can perform a variety of operations on the network without having to worry about the hassle of changing IPs frequently. It is just like you have an exclusive parking lot, no matter when you come back, there is a parking space waiting for you.

Why do I need a static IP proxy pool?

You may ask, why do we need static IP proxy pools? The reason is simple, static IP proxy pool can help us solve several problems:

  • Improve network stability: Fixed IP addresses can reduce network fluctuations and improve access speeds.
  • Avoid IP blocking: In some specific scenarios, frequent IP replacement may lead to IP blocking, and static IP proxy pool can effectively avoid this problem.
  • Enhanced privacy protection: Network operations via proxy IP can hide your real IP address and protect your privacy.

Basic steps to build a static IP proxy pool

Well, the theoretical part of the speech is over, then we enter the practical part. Build a static IP proxy pool is not complicated, only need to follow the following steps:

1. Choosing the right server

First, you need to choose a suitable server to build a proxy pool. Cloud servers are recommended here, such as Aliyun and Tencent Cloud. When choosing a server, it is recommended to choose the right configuration according to your needs, such as bandwidth, memory, etc.

2. Installation of agent software

Next, you need to install proxy software on your server. There is a lot of proxy software available on the market today, such as Squid, Nginx, and so on. Here is a brief description of the installation steps using Squid as an example:

  1. Log in to the server and open a terminal.
  2. Execute the command:sudo apt-get update, update the package list.
  3. Execute the command:sudo apt-get install squid, install the Squid software.

3. Configuring agent software

Once the installation is complete, you need to configure the proxy software. Open Squid's configuration file, the path is usually/etc/squid/squid.confYou can use the commandsudo nano /etc/squid/squid.confMake edits. Here are some basic configuration examples:

# Allowed IP range
acl localnet src
# Allowed access ports
http_access allow localnet
# Proxy listening port
http_port 3128

Once the configuration is complete, save and exit, then restart the Squid service and execute the command:sudo systemctl restart squidThe

4. Add static IP

In order to realize the function of static IP proxy pool, you need to add multiple static IP addresses on the server. The exact procedure may vary depending on the cloud server provider, here we take AliCloud as an example:

  1. Log in to the AliCloud console and go to the ECS instance management page.
  2. Select your instance, click "More Actions" and select "Network and Security Groups" - "Manage Elastic NICs".
  3. Add multiple resilient NICs and bind a static IP address to each.

5. Test agent pool

Finally, you need to test if the proxy pool is working properly. You can configure the proxy on your local computer with the static IP address and port you just set up, and then visit some websites to see if you can access them properly.


With these few steps, you can successfully build a static IP proxy pool. Although the whole process may seem a bit complicated, you can actually get started very quickly if you follow the steps step by step. I hope this article can help you better understand and build a static IP proxy pool for a smoother network experience!

If you run into any problems with your build, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section and we'll discuss solutions together. Good luck!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11431.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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