IPIPGO Crawler Agent Great trick to implement Python crawlers using proxy IPs

Great trick to implement Python crawlers using proxy IPs

In today's Internet era, data acquisition becomes more and more important. And Python crawler, as an efficient data collection tool, has been popular among developers...

Great trick to implement Python crawlers using proxy IPs

In today's Internet era, data acquisition becomes more and more important. And Python crawler, as an efficient data collection tool, is favored by developers. However, frequent crawling behavior is easy to be blocked by the target website IP, at this time, the proxy IP becomes our savior. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to realize Python crawler through proxy IP to help you acquire data more efficiently.

What is a proxy IP?

Proxy IP, as the name suggests, is the IP address of a proxy server. It is like a bridge that forwards your requests to the target server, thus hiding your real IP address. Simply put, proxy IP is like putting a "mask" on you, so that the target website cannot trace your real location.

Why use a proxy IP?

There are several benefits to using a proxy IP:

  • Avoid banning:Frequent visits to the same website can easily be recognized by the target website and the IP is blocked. using a proxy IP can effectively avoid this situation.
  • Improved privacy:Proxy IP can hide your real IP address and protect your privacy.

How to choose the right proxy IP?

Choosing the right proxy IP is the key to an efficient crawler. Here are some points to keep in mind when choosing a proxy IP:

  • Stability:Proxy IP stability is very important, frequent disconnections will affect the efficiency of the crawler.
  • Speed:The speed of the proxy IP directly affects the speed of the crawler. Choosing a fast proxy IP can greatly improve the efficiency of the crawler.
  • Anonymity:Highly anonymized proxy IPs can better protect your privacy.

How to use proxy IP in Python crawler?

Next, we will show how to use proxy IPs in a Python crawler with a simple example.

import requests

# proxy IP
proxy = {
"http": "http://your_proxy_ip:your_proxy_port",
"https": "https://your_proxy_ip:your_proxy_port"

# Destination URL
url = "http://example.com"

# Send request using proxy IP
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)

# Print the content of the response

In this example, we send an HTTP request through the `requests` library and specify a proxy IP through the `proxies` parameter. this way, the target site will think that the request is coming from the proxy IP and not your real one.

Proxy IP common problems and solutions

In the process of using proxy IP, you may encounter some problems. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Proxy IP is disabled:The proxy IP may be invalid, causing the request to fail. The solution is to change the proxy IP periodically to ensure the validity of the proxy IP.
  • Slow:Some proxy IPs are slow, affecting the efficiency of the crawler. The solution is to choose a faster proxy IP, or use a multi-threaded crawler.
  • Banned:Even if you use a proxy IP, you may still be blocked by the target website. The solution is to set reasonable crawling intervals and avoid visiting the same website frequently.


Implementing Python crawling via proxy IP not only improves the efficiency of crawling, but also protects your privacy and avoids being blocked by the target website. However, choosing the right proxy IP and setting the crawl interval reasonably is the key to realize efficient crawling. I hope this article helps you understand and use proxy IP, and wish you a smooth journey on the road of data collection!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11606.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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