IPIPGO ip proxy Building Efficient IP Proxy Pools with Multi-Process Technology

Building Efficient IP Proxy Pools with Multi-Process Technology

In web crawling, data collection and other scenarios that require frequent network access, IP proxy pools can help you bypass IP restrictions and improve data collection efficiency. And the use of ...

Building Efficient IP Proxy Pools with Multi-Process Technology

In web crawlers, data collection and other scenarios that require frequent access to the network, IP proxy pools can help you bypass IP restrictions and improve data collection efficiency. And using multi-process technology can further improve the performance and stability of the proxy pool. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to use multi-process technology to build an efficient IP proxy pool.

What is an IP Proxy Pool?

An IP proxy pool is a collection of multiple proxy IP addresses. By rotating these IP addresses, the problem of blocking a single IP can be effectively avoided, thus increasing the success rate of network access.IP proxy pools are commonly used for web crawling, data collection, and other tasks that require frequent network access.

Why use multiprocessing techniques?

Multi-process technology can improve the execution efficiency of tasks by breaking them down into multiple independent processes that execute simultaneously. When building an IP proxy pool, using multiprocess technology can speed up the verification of proxy IPs and improve the availability and stability of the proxy pool.

Steps to Build an IP Proxy Pool

The following are the detailed steps for building an IP proxy pool:

1. Get proxy IP list

First, you need to get a list of proxy IPs. These proxy IPs can be obtained from publicly available proxy IP websites, or you can purchase a specialized proxy IP service. For the sake of demonstration, let's assume that we already have a list of proxy IPs in the following format:

proxy_list = [

2. Verify proxy IP availability

Next, you need to verify the availability of the proxy IP. This can be done by sending an HTTP request to check if the proxy IP is working properly. Here we use Python's `requests` library for verification and use multiprocessing techniques to speed up the verification.

import requests
from multiprocessing import Pool

proxy_list = [
"", # Other proxy IPs...
# Other proxy IPs...

def check_proxy(proxy):
try: response = requests.get('', proxies).
response = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/ip', proxies={'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200: return proxy
return proxy
return None

if __name__ == '__main__': with Pool(10) as p: # Create a pool of 10 processes.
with Pool(10) as p: # Create a process pool of 10 processes
valid_proxies = p.map(check_proxy, proxy_list)
valid_proxies = [proxy for proxy in valid_proxies if proxy is not None]
print("Available proxy IPs:", valid_proxies)

3. Construction of an IP proxy pool

After verifying the availability of proxy IPs, you can build a proxy pool from these available proxy IPs. For ease of use, you can encapsulate the proxy pool into a class.

import random

class ProxyPool.
def __init__(self, proxies).
self.proxies = proxies

def get_proxy(self): return random.choice(self.proxies)
return random.choice(self.proxies)

proxy_pool = ProxyPool(valid_proxies)

4. Use of IP proxy pools

Finally, you can use proxy IPs from the proxy pool in your network requests. each time a request is made, a proxy IP is randomly selected from the proxy pool.

for _ in range(10):
proxy = proxy_pool.get_proxy()
response = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/ip', proxies={'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}, timeout=5)
print(f "Proxy {proxy} is not available, try the next proxy.")


By using multiprocessing techniques, you can significantly improve the efficiency of building and using IP proxy pools. This article describes the complete process from obtaining a list of proxy IPs, verifying the availability of proxy IPs, building an IP proxy pool to using an IP proxy pool. I hope this article can help you better understand and apply IP proxy pools to provide more convenience and protection for your web crawling and data collection tasks.

Proxy pool is like an escort in the network world. By rotating different proxy IPs, you can accomplish various network tasks more safely and efficiently.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/11895.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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