IPIPGO ip proxy How to change the IP of a survey, easy to solve the problem of IP restriction

How to change the IP of a survey, easy to solve the problem of IP restriction

When conducting online questionnaires, sometimes we may encounter IP restrictions, such as the same IP address can only submit the questionnaire once, or some questionnaires are only available for specific...

How to change the IP of a survey, easy to solve the problem of IP restriction

When conducting online questionnaires, sometimes we may encounter the problem of IP restriction, such as the same IP address can only submit questionnaires once, or some questionnaires are only open to IPs in specific regions. At this time, changing IP becomes the key to solve the problem. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to solve the restriction problem in questionnaire by changing IP.

Why do I need to change my IP?

The need to switch IPs stems from several reasons:

1. Multiple submissions: Some questionnaires are restricted to one submission from the same IP address in order to prevent cheating or duplicate submissions. If you need to submit the questionnaire more than once, you will need to change your IP address.
2. Regional restrictions: Some surveys are only available to IPs in certain regions. If your region is not allowed, changing IPs can help you bypass this restriction.
3. Avoid banning: If your IP address has been blocked for some reason, changing your IP will allow you to regain access.

Common ways to change IP

There are many ways to change your IP, here are a few common and effective ones:

1. Reboot the router

This is one of the easiest and most common methods. Rebooting your router allows your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to assign a new IP address. The steps to do this are as follows:

1. Disconnect power to the router and wait a few seconds.
2. Reconnect the power and wait for the router to reboot.
3. Check that the new IP address has been changed.

2. Use of proxy IPs

Proxy IP is a technology that allows you to access the Internet through a proxy server, effectively hiding your real IP address. By using Proxy IP, you can easily switch to a different IP address. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Choose a reliable proxy IP service provider.
2. Register and purchase a proxy IP service.
3. Set your device or browser to use a proxy IP according to your provider's instructions.
4. Check that the new IP address has been changed.

Advantages of Proxy IP

Among the many methods of changing IPs, proxy IPs have several significant advantages:

1. Flexibility: Proxy IP services usually offer a large number of IP addresses to choose from, and you can switch between them as often as you need to.
2. Stability: Reliable proxy IP service providers will ensure the stability of their IP addresses and reduce the likelihood of dropped connections.
3. Security: Proxy IP can hide your real IP address to protect your privacy and security.

How to choose the right proxy IP service

Choosing a proper proxy IP service is crucial and here are a few key points:

1. Quality of service: Choose a proxy IP provider with a good reputation and stable service.
2. Speed and Latency: Ensure that the proxy IP service provides speeds that are fast enough and latency that is low enough to ensure a good user experience.
3. Price: Choose the right package for your needs and budget.


By switching IPs, you can easily solve the IP restriction issue in your survey. Either rebooting your router, or using a proxy IP can help you achieve this goal. Proxy IP, in particular, has become the first choice for many users due to its flexibility, stability and security. I hope this article can provide you with valuable information to help you successfully complete the questionnaire.

If you have more questions about proxy IP, please feel free to ask us. Let's enjoy a worry-free network experience together!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/12137.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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