IPIPGO Static IP Proxy How to set up a static ip (how to set up a static ip on a computer)

How to set up a static ip (how to set up a static ip on a computer)

My Network Troubles Hey everyone, today I want to share with you something that gives me a headache, that is how to set up a static IP.I believe many of you have been in...

How to set up a static ip (how to set up a static ip on a computer)

Editor's Web Troubles

Hey everyone, today I'm going to share with you something that is giving me a headache, and that is how to set up a static IP. i'm sure a lot of people have had this problem with their computers, right?

Difference between static IP and dynamic IP

First, let's talk about what a static IP and a dynamic IP are.Imagine you're at a party and your friends want to talk to you, but you keep changing seats and they can't find you. This is like Dynamic IP, where your network address is like your seat at the party, and every time you reconnect to the network, your IP address changes.

However, if you have a static location, your friends can easily find you, right? This is the concept of a static IP, where your network address stays the same.

Why set up a static IP

So, why do we need to set up a static IP? Sometimes we need to access our computer remotely or set up a server. If we use dynamic IP, every time the IP address changes, we need to tell others our new address again, which is very troublesome.

And with static IP, our network address is like a fixed house, whenever we can easily find it, very convenient.

Start setting up a static IP

Next, let's see how to set up a static IP. First of all, open your computer menu, find the "Control Panel", and then click to enter.

In the control panel, there is a network and Internet option, click on it, you will see a "Network and Sharing Center" option. This is like a gateway to the world of networking, so let's walk in together.

In "Network and Sharing Center", you will see an option like "Change adapter settings", after clicking into it, you will find that your computer has different network adapters. If you're using a wired connection, you'll need to find the Ethernet adapter; if you're using Wi-Fi, you'll need to find the Wi-Fi adapter.

Imagine you are shopping for fish at the grocery market and you need to find the freshest one, right? So here, you need to select that adapter you are using and right click on it.

In the pop-up option, select "Properties", and then in the pop-up window, find "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", which is like a lock on the door of our computer, and then click the Next, click the "Properties" button.

In this window, you will see two options: "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Use the following IP address". Of course, we will choose "Use the following IP address".

Next, you need to enter the static IP address you want to set up. Imagine that you are putting a door number on your house, and this number represents your network location. Remember to enter it in the correct format!

In addition to the IP address, you need to set the subnet mask and default gateway. That's like your boss telling the courier your home address, neighborhood name, and route map so they can make a smooth delivery.

One caveat, however, is that you need to make sure that the static IP address you set up is unique within your LAN, just as your house is unique throughout the neighborhood.

To summarize.

Well, with the above steps, you can easily set up a static IP. Remember to check if your settings take effect and then save and apply your changes.

Setting up a static IP is like building a solid home for your online world, where it stands firm, come rain, shine or lightning. Now you can easily access and build servers remotely.

Trust me, once you learn to set up a static IP, you'll feel as relieved as if you've found a lost sheep.

So, if you've ever struggled with static IPs too, follow the steps above and give it a try! Believe me, you'll find it's actually not as hard as you think, it's like adding a prop to your computer that instantly makes it more powerful!

Well, this is all about how to set up a static IP, hope it helps you. Wish you enjoy a stable and efficient network experience!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/1303.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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