IPIPGO socks5 proxy IE browser proxy unresponsive solution (open browser socks5 proxy)

IE browser proxy unresponsive solution (open browser socks5 proxy)

When we use IE browser to surf the Internet, sometimes we will encounter the problem of proxy unresponsive, which makes people very headache. This article will introduce a solution - turn on the browser so...

IE browser proxy unresponsive solution (open browser socks5 proxy)

When we use IE browser to surf the Internet, sometimes we will encounter the problem of unresponsive proxy, which makes people very headache. In this article, we will introduce a solution - to open the browser socks5 proxy to help us solve this problem successfully.

Problem cause: Agent not responding

Before we fix the problem, let's understand why an agent is unresponsive. It's like you are a traveler and the agent is like a guide you hired to help you find your destination. But sometimes, this guide may encounter problems such as traffic congestion, road closures, etc., which prevent you from reaching your destination on time. Similarly, a proxy server may encounter slowdowns, network anomalies, etc. that prevent it from responding properly to requests.

Solution 1: Enable browser socks5 proxy

So, how to solve this problem? Here's one recommended method: turn on the browser socks5 proxy. Imagine you turn on the socks5 proxy, it's like adding a fast highway to your travel guide, making your journey smoother.

Step 1: Enter Internet Explorer Settings

First, we need to open Internet Explorer and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select "Internet Options". It's as if you've found a place where you can communicate with the wizard and set up a proxy server.

Step 2: Enter Proxy Settings

Next, in the pop-up window, click on the "Connections" tab and click on "LAN Settings". At this point, it's like you're standing at a crossroads and you're about to choose the right path to your destination.

Step 3: Enable socks5 proxy

In the "LAN Settings" window, check the "Use proxy server" box, and then fill in the proxy server address and port with the address and port number of the socks5 proxy. At this point, it's as if you've pointed your traveling guide in the right direction.

Step 4: Save settings and restart your browser

Finally, click "OK" button to save the settings and close Internet Explorer. After reopening the browser, you will find that the problem of unresponsive proxy is solved and the browser becomes smoother.


By enabling the browser socks5 proxy, we have successfully solved the problem of unresponsive IE browser proxy. It's like providing a fast highway for your travel guide, which makes your internet journey more unobstructed. Let's enjoy a smooth internet experience!

Note: This method applies to the proxy problem solving for IE browser, there may be differences in other browsers, please adjust according to the specific situation.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/1482.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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