IPIPGO socks5 proxy Win7 socks5 proxy setup (setup method to query Win10 proxy address)

Win7 socks5 proxy setup (setup method to query Win10 proxy address)

In the computer world, the network is like the human vascular system, ubiquitous yet mysterious and obscure. Sometimes we need to realize the control and access to the network through proxies,...

Win7 socks5 proxy setup (setup method to query Win10 proxy address)

In the computer world, the network is like the human vascular system, ubiquitous but mysterious and obscure. Sometimes we need a proxy to realize the control and access to the network, and socks5 proxy is one of the common and powerful ways. In this article, we will show you how to set up socks5 proxy under Windows 7 operating system and how to check how to set up proxy address on Windows 10.

Step 1: Open Proxy Settings

Just like mountains and rivers in nature, network settings have their own unique paths. First, we need to find the control panel. As you can imagine the Control Panel is the command center for network settings and it can dispatch various network settings tasks. In this story, our goal is proxy settings, so please find "Internet Options" in the Control Panel.

Step 2: Setting up a proxy server

Since we want to create a powerful network "fortress", we need a proxy server. In this step, you need to click on the "Connections" tab and select "LAN Settings". Next, you will see an option called "Proxy Server", check it.

Step 3: Configure the socks5 proxy

A proxy server is an information relay station and socks5 is its crown jewel. In this step, you need to fill in the address and port number of the socks5 proxy server. This is the equivalent of telling the proxy server the entrance to a secret channel and the password to pass the web request for you. Be sure to fill in the correct address and port number and check the "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" box.

Step 4: Verify Proxy Settings

Just like we need to check if every cell is working properly, verifying the proxy settings is also an essential step. In this story, we'll go to an external proxy test site to see if the proxy server is working properly. Only after we pass this test can we swim in the sea of internet with confidence.

Step 5: Check Win10 proxy address setting method

Every operating system has its own unique way to set up a proxy address, as unique as each person has their own fingerprint. If you are using the Windows 10 operating system, then it is very easy to find out how to set the proxy address. All you need to do is click on the Settings icon in the Start menu and then select "Network and Internet". Next, click on the "Proxies" option and find the "Manually set up a proxy server" option in the menu on the right.

With these five steps, you can easily set up socks5 proxy on Windows 7 and learn how to check how to set proxy address on Windows 10. Whether it's for privacy or to break through network limitations, proxy settings can help you achieve your goals and allow you to explore more possibilities in the online world.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/1536.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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