IPIPGO Crawler Agent How to avoid IP blocking for web crawling? Professional Proxy Pool Rental Solutions

How to avoid IP blocking for web crawling? Professional Proxy Pool Rental Solutions

Why is the webpage crawl always blocked IP?First avoid these pits Many people in the capture of data found just start the program IP is blocked, the most common reason is that a single IP high-frequency visit ...

How to avoid IP blocking for web crawling? Professional Proxy Pool Rental Solutions

Why web crawlers are always blocked by IP?

Many people find that the IP is blocked just after starting the program when grabbing data, the most common reasons areSingle IP High Frequency Access. An e-commerce platform has blocked IPs that send 20 requests per second, but in real-world scenarios this threshold may be lower. Another invisible killer isnon-permanent IP segment accessThe blocking mechanism will be triggered directly when the website discovers abnormal traffic from the IP of the data center.

Dynamic residential agents are the optimal solution

Agent types on the market are a mixed bag, the real test found that the real stable crawl to meet the two conditions:Real Residential IPrespond in singingIP auto-rotationipipgo's dynamic pool of residential proxies integrates directly into the home broadband network, with each IP carrying carrier authentication information. When the program is set to change IPs every 5 minutes, the access behavior is exactly the same as a normal user swiping the web.

Agent Type Applicable Scenarios probability of banning
Data Center Agents Short-term simple tasks 80% and above
Static Residential Agents Long-term fixed requirements 30%-50%
Dynamic Residential Agents High Frequency Complex Acquisition <5%

Three key parameter setting tips

Recommended configuration when using ipipgo:
1. Randomization of request intervals (2-8 second float)
2. The duration of use does not exceed 15 minutes per IP address.
3. The number of concurrent threads is adjusted according to the target website (it is recommended to start with 5 threads).
A team of crawlers set up theDynamic Header + IP Rotationcombination, successfully collected data from a social platform continuously for 3 months without triggering a ban.

Real-time monitoring system for abnormal flows

The ipipgo backend can be viewedReal-time IP Health DashboardWhen the IP blocking rate of a certain region is abnormally high, the system will automatically switch to the standby node. A user who does price monitoring shared that they set the standby API interface to be enabled automatically when the IP failure rate exceeds 20%, and the collection success rate always stays above 98%.

Hands-on Q&A

Q: What is the best way to detect if an IP is blocked?
A: It is recommended to use telnet to test the port 443 response, or add a timeout retry mechanism in the code. ipipgo's proxy interface will return a detailed status code, and a 403 error is encountered to directly trigger the replacement of the IP.

Q: How do I choose between dynamic and static proxies?
A: need to maintain the session state of the static IP (such as logging in after the data collection), the regular collection of dynamic IP. ipipgo supports two modes of switching at any time, and the static IP have been verified by a real person using the environment.

Q: Why doesn't the free agent work?
A: The IP duplication rate of the public proxy pool is as high as 70%, and a test shows that accessing e-commerce sites with free proxies is blocked in an average of 5 minutes. ipipgo's residential IPs each come from a real home network, and have exclusive IP conservation technology.

Q: What makes you different compared to other agencies?
A: ipipgo'sIP Survival CycleIt is 3 times longer than the industry average, and each IP has gone through 15 compliance tests before going live. The unique traffic obfuscation technology allows access requests to show natural fluctuations, which many of our peers cannot do.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/17558.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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