IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy Overseas proxy IP purchase to avoid the pit guide: IP purity detection methods

Overseas proxy IP purchase to avoid the pit guide: IP purity detection methods

IP Purity Self-Check Manual from the Perspective of Real Users In overseas business scenarios, many people have encountered this situation: obviously changed the proxy IP, the target website is still recognized ...

Overseas proxy IP purchase to avoid the pit guide: IP purity detection methods

IP purity self-check manual from a real user's perspective

In overseas business scenarios, many people have encountered this situation: obviously changed the proxy IP, the target website still recognizes abnormal access. The probability is that there is a problem with the purity of the IP. As an ordinary user, it is more important to master the basic detection methods than to study the technical principles.

Basic detection method visible to the naked eye

The easiest detection tool is in your computer. Open a search engine and type"what is my ip"If you are not sure whether the IP address is the same as the proxy settings, compare the IP addresses displayed. Next, look at the search results pageIP geolocation informationNote whether the carrier type is labeled Residential.

Focus on observing the IP information in theRegistration TimeThe IPs that are registered for more than 3 years have a higher probability of being flagged by the website's wind control. IPs registered for more than 3 years are more credible, and newly registered IPs have a higher probability of being flagged by website wind control. This method is primitive, but it can filter out low-quality IPs above 50%.

Professional Tools Detection Advanced

RecommendedIP Blacklist Detection Tool(e.g. mxtoolbox), input the proxy IP into the detection box, the system will scan 150+ international anti-spam databases. If there are more than 5 blacklisted records, the IP is basically scrapped.

For e-commerce platform users, it is recommended to useAnalog Login Detection Method: Log in to the target platform account through a proxy IP and observe whether the secondary verification is triggered. The purity of IPs that do not trigger verification for 5 consecutive logins is usually up to standard. Note that each test should change the account of a different website.

Tips for continuous monitoring of dynamic IPs

For services that require long-term stable IP, it is recommended to repeat the above test 3 times a day (morning/midday/evening). Record each time theFluctuating response timerespond in singingSuccess rate of visitsThe frequency of anomalies is counted in a table. When the number of anomalies exceeds 3 in 7 days, it is recommended to change the IP segment immediately.

Here's a recommendation from ipipgoResidential IP pool rotation mechanismTheir IP resource library contains more than 90 million real home IPs, and low quality nodes are automatically eliminated by intelligent algorithms. It is especially suitable for users who need to check IP quality in bulk, which can save a lot of manual screening time.

Q&A for white people to avoid the pit

Q: Is the free testing tool accurate? Will it leak IP information?
A: It is recommended to use a high-profile testing platform and check the website's privacy policy before testing. ipipgo users can directly use their providedIP Health Check InterfaceThe data is not transmitted to the outside world and is more secure.

Q: Why is it fine when tested but blocked when actually used?
A: It is possible that the frequency of IP usage is excessive. A single residential IP is recommended to visit no more than 100 times a day, important operation is recommended with ipipgo's dynamic residential IP, their IP pool has automatic replacement frequency settings.

Q: How to quickly determine the IP quality of a proxy service provider?
A: Pay attention to three key indicators: number of blacklisted records 2 years, carrier type = residential. ipipgo passes through these three levels of screening before all IPs are inducted into the database, which is the reason why they are able to maintain a high availability rate.

Detecting IP purity is like checking a banknote, you need to be able to identify it quickly with simple methods as well as know how to verify it in depth with specialized tools. Choose a tool like ipipgo that offersFull Protocol Supportrespond in singingReal-time quality monitoringThe service provider is equivalent to having a professional IP banknote checker, which can fundamentally avoid stepping on potholes.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/17599.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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