IPIPGO ip proxy Proxy IP failure automatic alarm_Telegram notification configuration method

Proxy IP failure automatic alarm_Telegram notification configuration method

First, why do we need proxy IP failure automatic alarm? In the process of using proxy IP, the most headache is the sudden failure resulting in business interruption. Especially the need...

Proxy IP failure automatic alarm_Telegram notification configuration method

I. Why do you need proxy IP failure automatic alarm?

The biggest headache in using proxy IPs is theSudden failure leading to business interruption. Especially for crawlers, data collection and other scenarios that need to run stably for a long time, manually keeping an eye on the IP status is neither practical nor efficient. With the Telegram real-time notification mechanism, you can monitor the IP status when the IP fails.in 30 secondsReceiving an alert, combined with the rapid switching of dynamic IP pools provided by ipipgo, can minimize business loss.

II. Core methods for detecting proxy IP availability

RecommendedDual authentication mechanism: First use the curl command to detect IP port connectivity, and then simulate a real business visit to the target site. Here we share a tested and effective detection script:

 Basic connectivity check (using ipipgo's Socks5 proxy as an example)
timeout 5 curl --socks5 username:password@IP:port -I https://example.com

 Business-level validity detection (detecting specific elements of the target site)
if ! grep -q "key content" output.html; then
  echo "IP invalid" >> error.log
   Trigger Telegram alert...

Third, Telegram robot configuration full process

pass (a bill or inspection etc)BotFather creates botsIt is recommended to enable the following permissions:

  • Check "Allow groups" to allow multiple people to receive notifications.
  • Enable "Inline mode" to support quick command to check IP status.
  • Setting up a customized menu to display frequently used commands

getAPI_TOKENAfter that, use this Python script to implement message push:

import requests
def send_tg_alert(message): url = f"": url = f"".
    url = f "https://api.telegram.org/botAPI_TOKEN/sendMessage"
    params = {
        "chat_id": "group_id",
        "text": f"[ipipgo alert] {message}",
        "parse_mode": "Markdown"
    requests.post(url, params=params, timeout=10)

IV. Deep integration skills with ipipgo services

ipipgo's.API interfaceSupports batch acquisition/replacement of IPs. when receiving an alarm, the interface can be automatically called to acquire a new IP:

import ipipgo
client = ipipgo.Client(api_key="your_key")
new_proxy = client.get_proxy(
    new_proxy = client.get_proxy( protocol="socks5",
    protocol="socks5", country="us", sticky_session=True
    sticky_session=True maintain session continuity
update_proxy_config(new_proxy) update local proxy configuration

It is recommended to turn on ipipgo'sIntelligent Routingfunction, the system will automatically switch to a premium line when it detects frequent IP failures in a certain region.

V. Solutions to common problems

Q: What should I do if the detection scripts are false positives?
A: Recommended settingsthree retries mechanismThe alarm is triggered only after 3 consecutive detection failures to avoid network fluctuation misjudgment.

Q: Severe delays in Telegram messages?
A: Can be added to the alarm scriptMulti-Channel NotificationThe Telegram interface, sendMessage and sendDocument, can be called simultaneously to improve the delivery rate by utilizing different message types.

Q: How can I verify the actual availability of the ipipgo proxy?
A: Recommended by ipipgoReal Browser DetectionFeature that verifies website compatibility by simulating Chrome visits with IPs

VI. Advance optimization recommendations

Integration in alarm messagesOne-click IP changeFunction: via Telegram's Inline Keyboard button, click to trigger the ipipgo API to change IP. the configuration method is added when sending a message:

"reply_markup": {
    "inline_keyboard": [[
        { "text": "Change IP now", "callback_data": "refresh_ip"}

In conjunction with ipipgo'sIP Quality Scoring SystemThe IP address can be synchronized with the availability score history curve of the current IP at the time of the alarm to help determine whether it is an occasional failure or a regional line problem.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/17967.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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