IPIPGO ip proxy Proxy IP API call documentation: RESTful standard interface details

Proxy IP API call documentation: RESTful standard interface details

Proxy IP API in the end how to use? Hands-on teaching you to call Many friends who are new to proxy IP have the biggest headache of not knowing how to use the API. Today we will ...

Proxy IP API call documentation: RESTful standard interface details

How exactly does the Proxy IP API work? Teach you how to call

A lot of friends who just contacted the proxy IP's biggest headache is that they do not know how to use the API. Today we will use ipipgo's interface as an example to teach you how to call the proxy IP as easily as ordering takeout. we do not talk about the complexity of the principle, directly said how to operate.

The RESTful interface is the courier locker

Imagine a courier locker pickup: enter the pickup code → open the box → get the package. the RESTful interface is the same logic, just send a request of a specific format, you can get the required IP data. ipipgo API supportGET/POSTTwo request methods, compatible with various development environments.

Example of a basic request:

GET https://api.ipipgo.com/proxy
?key=your key

Must-know parameter descriptions

These parameters are like menu options when ordering a meal and determine what kind of IP you get:

parameter name corresponds English -ity, -ism, -ization example value
key Authentication key 32-bit string
count Number of acquisitions 1-100
protocol agency agreement http/https/socks5
country Country area us/jp/cn

How to choose between Dynamic IP and Static IP?

ipipgo supports both types, choose according to the usage scenario:

Dynamic Residential IP - Ideal for scenarios that require frequent IP changes, for example:
- Data collection anti-blocking
- automation testing

Static Data Center IP - Ideal for scenarios that require long-term stable connections:
- Server operations and maintenance
- Fixed equipment access

What do the response results look like?

A packet in JSON format is received after a successful call:

  "code": 200,
  "data": [
    {"ip": "", "port":8080}, {"ip": "", "port":8888}
    {"ip": "", "port":8888}

Common Errors Self-Check Manual

Look at these three points first when you have a problem:
1. Whether the key has expired (first call of the day is recommended to test the key)
2. Whether the frequency of requests exceeds the limit (more than 5 seconds interval is recommended for free users)
3. Parameters are correctly formatted (with special attention to case sensitivity)

Demonstration of real-life usage scenarios

Take the example of data collection in Python:

import requests

proxies = {
  'http': '',
  'https': ''

response = requests.get('destination URL', proxies=proxies)

QA Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is the acquired IP not working?
A: Three checks are recommended:
1. Proxy protocol match (http/https to be distinguished)
2. Whether the IP has expired (dynamic IP is valid for 5-30 minutes)
3. Whether the local network allows proxy connections

Q: How can I improve interface responsiveness?
A: ipipgo provides globally distributed node access, suggested:
1. Choose the nearest API access point (sg nodes are recommended for domestic users)
2. Reasonable request timeout (10-30 seconds recommended)

Through the reasonable use of ipipgo's API interface, you can easily realize the management and scheduling of IP resources. It is recommended that newbies start with the basic parameters to try and gradually master the advanced features. Remember to check the official documentation regularly to get the latest features.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/19531.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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