IPIPGO Foreign ip proxy Domestic ip proxy can't get on the net (how to use domestic proxy ip)

Domestic ip proxy can't get on the net (how to use domestic proxy ip)

Alas, have you heard? Recently, the domestic ip proxy network is always unable to get on the Internet, making me anxious, I don't know what to do. Domestic ip proxy can't get on ...

Domestic ip proxy can't get on the net (how to use domestic proxy ip)

Alas, have you heard? Recently, when the domestic ip proxy network is always unable to get on the Internet, it makes me anxious, I don't know what to do.

Domestic ip proxy can't get on the net

As if trapped by a small piece of gravel in the ocean, I rolled back and forth in front of the computer, but was slow to find a solution. Every time I use a domestic proxy ip and try to access a domestic website, the connection always prompts a timeout, just like an invisible barrier separating me from the world.

I had tried all kinds of methods, double-checked the network settings, cleared the browser cache, and even flipped through a few books about proxy servers, but I couldn't find a way to solve the problem. My heart felt like opening a can of stirred soda, full of disappointment and helplessness gushed out.

How to use domestic proxy ip

Until one day, I saw a post about how to use domestic proxy ip on a technical forum, which finally let me find a solution to the problem. It turns out that when using a domestic proxy ip to access the Internet, you also need to configure the proxy settings of your browser or operating system to be able to access domestic websites normally. Entering the address and port number of the proxy server in the proxy settings of the browser is like using a key to open the frozen door, letting me feel the warmth of the world again.

I followed the steps on the post, set up my browser's proxy server, reconnected to the proxy ip, and finally succeeded in accessing the domestic website I've always wanted to browse. At that moment, it was like a long-dormant flower finally blossomed into a gorgeous smile under the blowing of the spring breeze.

Now, every time I use a domestic proxy ip to surf the Internet, I can easily swim in all corners of the world, and feel the flavor and culture of different countries and regions. It's like finding a route to the world from the vast ocean, which allows me to freely travel in different cyberspaces and enjoy myself as I wish.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2408.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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