IPIPGO ip proxy How to use proxy ip (proxy ip usage)

How to use proxy ip (proxy ip usage)

How to use proxy ip Proxy ip, i.e., the ip address of a proxy server, can help us hide our real IP address, realize access to restricted websites, protect personal...

How to use proxy ip (proxy ip usage)

How to use proxy ip

Proxy ip, i.e. proxy server ip address, can help us to hide the real IP address and realize the functions of accessing restricted websites, protecting personal privacy and so on. The following will introduce the method of using proxy ip.

How to use proxy ip

First, we need to get a proxy ip address, which can be obtained by buying, renting, or building your own proxy server. Next, we can start using proxy ip. Below is a simple Python code example that uses the requests library and proxy ip to access a website:

import requests

# Setting proxy ip
proxy = {
'http': 'your_proxy_ip:port',
'https': 'your_proxy_ip:port'

# Accessing sites that require a proxy
url = 'https://example.com'
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)

# Print Return Results

In the code, replace your_proxy_ip with the proxy ip address you got and port with the corresponding port number. This will allow you to access the website using the proxy ip.

Proxy ip usage

Apart from setting proxy ip in code, we can also use proxy ip in other ways. for example, setting proxy in browser, below are the simple steps to set proxy in Chrome browser:

1. Open Chrome, click the Settings button in the upper right corner, and select "Settings";
2. On the Settings page that opens, click Advanced;
3. In the "System" section, click "Open your computer's proxy settings";
4. In the pop-up window, select "LAN Settings", check "Use proxy server", fill in the proxy ip address and port number, click "OK".

With the above steps, we can use proxy ip in the browser. Of course, the steps to set up proxy may be different for different operating systems and browsers.

The above is the introduction of the use of proxy ip, I hope to help you. When using proxy ip, you need to pay attention to comply with relevant laws and regulations, reasonable and legitimate use of proxy ip, do not use for illegal activities.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2465.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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