IPIPGO ip proxy Tunneling proxy ip limit whitelisting (what does tunneling proxy ip mean)

Tunneling proxy ip limit whitelisting (what does tunneling proxy ip mean)

Hey everyone! Today I want to nag you about tunnel proxy ip limit whitelisting. This is something that may sound very high level to some people, and even have...

Tunneling proxy ip limit whitelisting (what does tunneling proxy ip mean)

Hey everyone! Today I'd like to nag you about tunnel proxy ip limit whitelisting. This is something that may sound very high level and even a bit obscure to some people, but I'll try my best to explain it to you in an easy-to-understand way.

What does tunnel proxy ip mean?

First, let's talk about what tunnel proxy ip actually means. We know ip address, it is like a house number, each house has a unique door number, so that the courier brother delivery time to know which house to go. But sometimes, we may not want others to know our real house number, just like we do not want others to know our real address. At this time, the tunnel proxy ip comes in handy, it is like a forwarding station, can help us hide the real ip address, so that the other side can only see the proxy ip address, and do not know our real address.

Then say proxy ip restriction whitelist well, sometimes we need to restrict access to our website ip range, as if the guard house gate security, only in the whitelist ip can enter our website, the other ip will be rejected out of the door. This is the so-called proxy ip restriction whitelist, you can think of it as a "pass", no pass ip is not allowed to enter.

Well, this is probably the end of the explanation, I hope you can understand. However, please don't think that proxy ip is everything, some unscrupulous people may use proxy ip to carry out illegal and criminal activities.

Tunnel proxy ip limit whitelisting

In practice, we may encounter a problem of how to set up a restriction whitelist for proxy ip. In fact, this process may not be complicated, just need to do some simple settings in your network configuration, you will be able to realize the restriction of access ip.

As an example, it's like you have a smart access control system installed in your home so that only those who are on your home pass list can enter your home. Similarly, you can add some code to your network settings to set which ip can access your website and which ip is denied. Here is a simple Python example to demonstrate how to restrict ip whitelisting:

allowed_ips = ['', '']
if request.remote_addr not in allowed_ips.

This code is a simple example, if the visitor's ip is not in the whitelist list of allowed_ips, it will return a 403 error and deny access. Of course, the actual operation may be more complex, but the principle is similar.

I hope you can go through this article, understand the significance of the tunnel proxy ip limit whitelisting and the operation method, don't be intimidated by these lofty terms, in fact, as long as you understand the principle and the operation method, you will find that in fact it is not difficult. Come on, everyone!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2624.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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