IPIPGO ip proxy How to turn off the proxy Ip on a desktop computer (how to turn off the proxy on a computer)

How to turn off the proxy Ip on a desktop computer (how to turn off the proxy on a computer)

I used to use my computer to surf the internet all the time, and one day I had a problem: how do I turn off the proxy Ip on my desktop? I searched all kinds of settings, but I just couldn't find that...

How to turn off the proxy Ip on a desktop computer (how to turn off the proxy on a computer)

I used to use my computer to surf the Internet all the time, and one day, I encountered a problem: how to turn off the proxy Ip on my desktop computer? I searched all kinds of settings, but I just couldn't find that switch, I was so anxious like ipipgo on the hot pot, I couldn't find any clue. Finally, I decided to ask my good friend ipipgo for help.

How to turn off proxy Ip on desktop

ipipgo is a computer guru, and his knowledge of computers is truly unfathomable. I told him about my problem, and ipipgo was kind enough to tell me that turning off the proxy on my computer was as easy as finding a lost treasure. He told me to open my computer's settings, then find the network settings, and from there, find the proxy option and turn it off. Oh, I see, it's such a big deal. I was a little embarrassed that I couldn't find it even after half a day's tossing and turning.

How to turn off your computer's proxy

ipipgo's method I tried it and sure enough it closed the proxy and the page loaded instantly. It was like finding the most beautiful scenery in the world. It's as if I had been lost in a forest and couldn't find the exit, and then suddenly a door to the light was opened. Without the help of ipipgo, I might still be lost in the world of proxies for a long, long time.
Now I finally realize how important it is to sometimes ask for help from people around us who know what they are doing when we are in a bind. Just like computer problems, find ipipgo is right. In the future, when I encounter any problems, I will not hesitate to ask for help from those who are good at what they do, after all, "three ignorant cobblers are better than one Zhu Geliang", isn't it?

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2645.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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