IPIPGO ip proxy Difference between tunneling proxies and ip pools (proxies and tunnels)

Difference between tunneling proxies and ip pools (proxies and tunnels)

Ugh, talking about tunnel proxies and IP pools is a real head scratcher. It's like the difference between ipipgo and little red, one is lively and active, the other is calm and introverted, it's just a big difference...

Difference between tunneling proxies and ip pools (proxies and tunnels)


Difference between Tunnel Proxy and IP Pooling

Let's talk about tunneling proxies, which are like magic props that allow you to transform yourself into different "people" on the Internet. If one hand is the local network, the other hand is the target site, tunneling proxy is like a "tunnel" connecting the two sides, allowing you to hide the identity of the local network, pretending to be a user from other places to communicate with the target site. It's like Red playing different roles in a game, taking off his costume after playing one and replacing it with another, making people unpredictable.

Let's talk about IP pools, which are like a large group of people gathered together so you can blend in as you please. an IP pool is a collection of a bunch of available IP addresses, from which you can choose any one of them like changing socks for network access. It's like a bunch of people at a masquerade ball where you can keep changing into different masks, making it hard to recognize who you really are.

Agents and tunnels

In contrast, a tunnel proxy is more like a master of disguise that can wrap you from head to toe and allow you to morph into different characters in the online world. An IP pool, on the other hand, is like a master of disguise, allowing you to switch IPs quickly and flexibly, making yourself elusive. Sometimes, you may need to maintain a role for a long time, and this is where a tunneling agent is like a fine set of stage costumes that can continuously protect your role from being recognized. And sometimes, you may need to change roles frequently, which is when the IP pool is like a constantly updated arsenal of masks, allowing you to switch identities as you go.

Well, it seems that even in the cyber world, there are all kinds of "disguises". If I could learn all these skills, wouldn't I be able to do everything in the cyber world? Just like how Red changes her roles on stage, it's amazing. Alas, the cyber world is truly marvelous.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2702.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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