IPIPGO network agent How to check if a proxy ip is being used (check if the network is being proxied)

How to check if a proxy ip is being used (check if the network is being proxied)

It's such a beautiful day, I have a particularly interesting topic to share with you today. Do you know that sometimes when surfing the Internet, our...

How to check if a proxy ip is being used (check if the network is being proxied)

It's a beautiful day, I have a very interesting topic to share with you today. You know, sometimes when surfing the Internet, our network may be proxied, what can we do? How to check whether the proxy ip is used? Hey, I'm going to give you a good science.

How to check if you are using a proxy ip

First of all, there are some simple ways we can check if our network is being proxied. The easiest way to do this is to use some online proxy IP detection sites, such as http://whatismyipaddress.com/这样的网站. Simply open it on one of these sites and it will tell you directly the current IP address and whether or not a proxy is being used. It's like going to a professional doctor and having him check our health.

In addition, we can also use some commands to check. For example, in Windows, we can use the command line to enter "ipconfig/all", and then in the output results to find the "proxy server" column, if this column shows a specific IP address, it means that If this column shows a specific IP address, it means that our network is being proxied. It's like spying on the chef in the kitchen and snatching a piece of bread out of his hand to find out what's going on in our body.

Queries whether the network is being proxied

In addition to the methods mentioned above, we can also use some code to check whether the network is proxied or not. For example, we can use Python language to write a simple program to detect it. Here is a simple Python code example:

import requests

def check_proxy().
r = requests.get('http://www.baidu.com', timeout=5)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:.
print('Error:', e)

if __name__ == '__main__'.

With this simple program, we can send a request to Baidu's servers and see what comes back to determine if our network is being proxied. It's as if we're trying to guess what the weather is going to be like by looking at everything around us.

Hey, I'm going to share this with you today. I hope you can all in the clean cyberspace to surf the net smoothly. If you have any network problems, be sure to ask me, I will do my best to give you the most professional advice. I look forward to seeing you all next time, bye bye!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2718.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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