IPIPGO ip proxy How to get a router to turn on proxy ip (how to set up a router to go proxy)

How to get a router to turn on proxy ip (how to set up a router to go proxy)

Hey guys, have you ever encountered such a problem? That is, we want to access the Internet, but also want to let the router go proxy, but do not know how to operate. This...

How to get a router to turn on proxy ip (how to set up a router to go proxy)

Hey guys, have you ever encountered such a problem? That is, we want to go online, but also want to let the router go proxy, but do not know how to operate. But I don't know how to do it. However, do not worry, today we will learn how to make the router open proxy IP, let it go proxy, let it go proxy, oops, this is a little difficult ah!

How to get your router to enable proxy IP

First of all, we need to know that the router to turn on the proxy IP, in fact, with the pouring of water to themselves is a little bit like. Just as we are at home, in order to drink hot water, you have to boil the water in the kettle, and then pour it into the cup. So, to let the router go proxy, you have to set up the IP address and port number of the proxy server, equivalent to boiling the water, and then set up the proxy on the router, just like pouring water into the cup.

First, we need to enter the router's management interface, and then find the "Proxy Settings" option. Then, we can enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server. This is like adding water to a kettle and preparing the hot water to be poured.

Next, don't forget to save the settings, just like turning off the heat and putting the lid on the water after boiling it. After saving the settings, we can let the router go proxy smoothly, just like pouring hot water into a cup smoothly. In this way, we can surf the Internet happily, isn't it very simple?

How to set up a router to go proxy

In addition to allowing the router to turn on the proxy IP, we can also set up the router to make it go proxy. This process is actually very simple, just as we want to boil water at home, you can choose a gas stove or electric kettle.

First, we need to find the router's settings interface, and then find the "Proxy Settings" option. Then, you can enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server. This is equivalent to choosing a gas stove or electric kettle to boil water, but here the router is chosen to go through the proxy.

Finally, don't forget to save the settings, just like boiling water and waiting for it to boil. After saving the settings, we can happily let the router go proxy, just like you can make tea after boiling water. In this way, we can easily enjoy the joy of proxy Internet access, isn't it great?

Hey, after seeing such a simple setup, is it that this problem is actually not difficult at all? I hope that partners in the encounter of this kind of problem, do not panic, you can follow the above method to operate, I believe that it will be easy to solve oh! Cheer up!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2742.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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