IPIPGO ip proxy How to use high stash ip proxy (high stash proxy ip detection)

How to use high stash ip proxy (high stash proxy ip detection)

  How to use High Stash IP Proxy On the Internet, sometimes we need to hide our real IP address, using High Stash IP Proxy is a common...

How to use high stash ip proxy (high stash proxy ip detection)


How to use high stash ip proxy

On the Internet, sometimes we need to hide our real IP address, and using a high stash IP proxy is a common method. By using High Stash IP Proxy, we can avoid being tracked by websites, protect our privacy, or perform operations such as crawling website data. So, how to use High Stash IP Proxy?

A common way to implement a high stash IP proxy is to use Python's requests library and a proxy IP. We can use the following code to set this up:

import requests

proxy = {
'http': 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port',
'https': 'https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port',

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)

In the above code, we need to replace `xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx` with the actual proxy IP address and `port` with the actual port number. With this setup, we can use the high stash IP proxy to make network requests.

High stash proxy ip detection

In the process of using High Stash Proxy IP, we also need to perform High Stash Proxy IP detection to ensure the stability and privacy of the proxy IP. Here is a simple Python code to do the detection of high stash proxy IP:

import requests

def check_proxy(proxy).
url = 'https://www.baidu.com' # Take Baidu as an example, you can replace it with other sites
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
print('Proxy IP available')
print('Proxy IP not available')
print('Proxy IP not available')

proxy = {
'http': 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port',
'https': 'https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port',


In the above code, we launch a request to Baidu to detect whether the proxy IP is available, if it is available, then output "Proxy IP is available", otherwise output "Proxy IP is not available".

By using and detecting the above, we can better understand how to use High Stash IP Proxy and perform High Stash Proxy IP detection. Hope this is helpful to you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2794.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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