IPIPGO ip proxy Proxy ip and crawler ip difference (crawler ip proxy pool design)

Proxy ip and crawler ip difference (crawler ip proxy pool design)

Oh yo, I heard you guys want to know the story of [Proxy ip vs Crawler ip Difference (Crawler ip Proxy Pool Design)]? Well, today I'm going to tell you guys a big p...

Proxy ip and crawler ip difference (crawler ip proxy pool design)

Oh yo, I heard you guys want to know the story of [Proxy ip vs Crawler ip difference (Crawler ip proxy pool design)]? Well, today I'm going to tell you guys a big puddle of stories.

Difference between proxy ip and crawler ip

I remember one day, the little crawlers wanted to crawl some information on the Internet, but the website didn't let them get their hands on it so easily. So the little crawlers came up with a way to use some proxy ip to help them mask the website.

Proxy ip is like the little crawlers in drag, they can change into different costumes, as if on a different face, so that the site stares wide-eyed can not recognize them. But be careful, proxy ip is just a set of beautiful coat, if the inside of the little crawlers accidentally revealed their faces, or will be found by the site Oh.

The reptile ip, it is like the real face of the little reptiles, even if they wear more coats, the website will shout "catch the thief" as soon as they see their faces. Therefore, the little crawlers should be extra careful not to let their true colors exposed.

Crawler ip proxy pool design

In order to hide themselves better, the little reptiles came up with a clever idea, which is to create a proxy pool. This agent pool is like a cross-dressing room, filled with a variety of outerwear, the little crawlers can choose at random, so that they can wear different clothes each time, so that it will be easier to fool the pass.

Then, the little crawlers cleverly designed a set of rules to prevent themselves from frequently changing into different clothes on the same website, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the website. In this way, the little crawlers can collect information on the Internet without any obstacles.

So, the story ends here, the little crawlers learned how to cleverly use proxy ip and design proxy pool to hide themselves, successfully avoided the site's surveillance, full of collecting a variety of treasures. I hope you can also be like the little crawlers, the flexible use of proxy ip, design a clever proxy pool, so that you can roam freely on the Internet it.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/2841.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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