IPIPGO ip proxy How to use proxy IP on computer(How to proxy ip on computer)

How to use proxy IP on computer(How to proxy ip on computer)

How to use Proxy IP on computer On the Internet, Proxy IP can help users hide their real IP address, protect their privacy, enable access to restricted websites, or...

How to use proxy IP on computer(How to proxy ip on computer)

How to use a proxy IP on your computer

On the Internet, Proxy IP can help users hide their real IP address, protect their privacy, enable access to restricted websites, or increase access speed. So, how to use proxy IP on computer? The next will introduce two common methods.

Setting up a proxy IP using a proxy server

In Windows operating system, you can set the proxy IP by configuring the proxy server. the details are as follows:
1. Open the Control Panel and select "Internet Options" in "Network and Internet";
2. In the pop-up window, click the "Connections" tab, and then click "LAN Settings";
3. In the "LAN Settings" window, check the "Use a proxy server" checkbox and fill in the IP address and port number of the proxy server;
4. Click OK for the settings to take effect.

Setting proxy IPs using proxy software

In addition to configuring the proxy IP in the system settings, you can also use proxy software to set the proxy IP. common proxy software include ipipgo, ipipgo, etc. The steps to set the proxy IP using proxy software are as follows:
1. First download and install the agent software, then launch the software;
2. Configure the IP address, port number, encryption method and other parameters of the proxy server in the proxy software;
3. After the configuration is complete, start the proxy software and the proxy IP will take effect.

With the above two methods, you can easily set up a proxy IP on your computer to realize the purpose of hiding your real IP address. I hope the above can help you, and I also hope that when you use proxy IP to comply with relevant laws and regulations, rational use of proxy services.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3244.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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