IPIPGO ip proxy Front-end configuration proxy ip (front-end proxy cross domain)

Front-end configuration proxy ip (front-end proxy cross domain)

WOW! Today I'm going to share with you some knowledge about configuring proxy ip on the front-end, a problem that really gave me a headache! However, through constant fumbling and learning, I finally found...

Front-end configuration proxy ip (front-end proxy cross domain)

WOW! Today I want to share with you some front-end configuration of proxy ip knowledge, this problem really makes my headache ah! However, through continuous exploration and learning, finally found some good solutions, now let me give you a detailed explanation.

Configure proxy ip on the front end

First, let's talk about front-end proxies across domains. You can compare cross-domain to trade between two different countries, which is not easy to do without special protocols. In the world of front-end, if our website wants to interact with interfaces under other domains, there will be a cross-domain problem. At this point, it is necessary to configure a proxy ip to do the solution.

Next, let me show you how to configure a proxy ip on the front-end. first, we can proxy cross-domain requests via webpack-dev-server's proxy. This is like having a middleman to help us trade with other countries and solve the cross-domain problem. The specific configuration code is as follows:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
// ... other configurations
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
pathRewrite: {'^/api':"},
changeOrigin: true,

In the above code, we configure proxy to proxy all requests that start with /api to http://localhost:3000下. This solves the front-end cross-domain problem.

Front-end proxy cross-domain

With the above configuration, we have successfully solved the front-end cross-domain problem, so that our website can interact with interfaces under other domains. It's as if we have found a reliable middleman, so that our trade can be carried out smoothly.

Through the study of this article, I believe that you have a deeper understanding of the front-end configuration of the proxy ip and solve the cross-domain problem. I also hope that you can work in the future, when encountering similar problems, do not panic, to maintain patience and learning mentality, I believe that we can find a good way to solve the problem!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3282.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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