IPIPGO proxy server IP proxy server address acquisition tool (proxy ip address query)

IP proxy server address acquisition tool (proxy ip address query)

IP Proxy Server Address Acquisition Tool IP proxy servers play a very important role in network security and data privacy protection. By using IP proxy...

IP proxy server address acquisition tool (proxy ip address query)

IP proxy server address acquisition tool

IP proxy servers play a very important role in network security and data privacy protection. By using an IP proxy server, users can hide their real IP address and thus browse and visit various websites on the Internet anonymously. However, in order to use an IP proxy server, you first need to obtain an available IP proxy server address. Below are a few common tools for obtaining IP proxy server addresses.



In addition to using these specialized tools, it is also possible to automatically obtain IP proxy server addresses through programming. For example, using Python to write a web crawler program, you can grab the latest proxy IP addresses from various proxy IP websites, and verify and filter them to get a list of high-quality IP proxy addresses.

Proxy IP address lookup

Once the proxy IP address is obtained, the next step is to validate and query the proxy IP address. Here is a simple Python code example for verifying the validity of a proxy IP address.

import requests

def check_proxy(proxy).
response = requests.get("https://www.baidu.com", proxies={"http": proxy, " https": proxy}, timeout=5)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
print(f"{proxy} valid")
print(f"{proxy} is invalid")
print(f"{proxy} is invalid")

if __name__ == "__main__".
proxy_list = [
for proxy in proxy_list:

The above code verifies the validity of the proxy IP address by requesting the Baidu website, if it can be accessed successfully, it means the proxy IP address is valid. In this way, it is easy to verify and filter the proxy IP addresses obtained, so as to get a list of reliable proxy IP addresses for actual network access and data crawling operations.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3360.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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