IPIPGO proxy server IP Proxy Server Setting Method (Setting Proxy Server Address)

IP Proxy Server Setting Method (Setting Proxy Server Address)

IP Proxy Server, can be used to hide the user's real IP address, protect privacy, or access blocked websites. Here we will introduce how to set up IP...

IP Proxy Server Setting Method (Setting Proxy Server Address)

IP Proxy Server, can be used to hide the user's real IP address, protect privacy, or access blocked websites. Here's how to set up an IP proxy server.

IP Proxy Server Settings

To set up an IP proxy server, you first need to find a reliable proxy server address. You can usually find free or paid proxy server addresses online. Once you have found a suitable address, you can set up a proxy server as described below.

Setting the proxy server address

Under Windows operating system, you can follow the steps below to set up an IP proxy server address. First, open the Control Panel, select "Network and Internet" and click "Internet Options". Then select the "Connections" tab in the pop-up window and click "LAN Settings". In the LAN settings, find the "Proxy Server" column, check "Use Proxy Server" and fill in the proxy server address and port, click OK to complete the setup.

Under Mac OS, you can set the IP proxy server address in System Preferences. Click the "Network" option, then select the currently connected network, click the "Advanced" button, select the "Proxy" tab in the pop-up window, check the boxes for In the pop-up window, select the "Proxy" tab, check "Web proxy (HTTP)" and "Secure web proxy (HTTPS)", then fill in the proxy server address and port, and finally click "OK" to save the settings.

With the above settings, you will be able to successfully set up an IP proxy server address and enjoy a safer and freer Internet experience. I hope the above method is helpful to you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3372.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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