IPIPGO ip proxy How to fill in the proxy ip port (proxy ip interface)

How to fill in the proxy ip port (proxy ip interface)

Lol guys, today I'm going to share with you how to fill in the proxy ip port (proxy ip interface) thing. This is a headache...

How to fill in the proxy ip port (proxy ip interface)

Alas, guys, today I'm going to share with you how to fill in the proxy ip port (proxy ip interface) thing. It's a headache, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, it makes you anxious.

How to fill in the proxy ip port

First, we have to figure out what the hell a proxy ip port is. We can compare it to a bodyguard, you want to go to any place, have to go through its permission. So, filling in the proxy ip port is like saying to the bodyguard, "Boss, I want to go to XX place now, okay?" The port is like the bodyguard's name, and the ip is the bodyguard's phone number, you get it?

Secondly, filling out a proxy ip port is not a simple task. You have to have a proxy ip address first, just like you have to have a boat ticket before you can find the boat at the dock that corresponds to your destination. Then you have to know which dock the ship is docked at, which is where the port comes in. Only when you know these two pieces of information can you unknowingly sneak into the site you want to go to through the proxy ip interface.

proxy ip interface

Well, let's talk about how to fill in this proxy ip port specifically. First of all, you have to have a suitable proxy ip address, this can be obtained through the crawler or purchase. Then, you need to know the port number corresponding to this proxy ip address, usually in the purchase or get the proxy ip together.
The next step is to fill in the specifics. If you are using Python, you can set up the proxy via the requests library:
import requests

proxies = {
"http": "http://ip:port",
"https": "https://ip:port",

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
If you are using a browser, then you can find the proxy settings in the settings and just fill in the proxy ip address and port number you got.

All in all, filling out the proxy ip port is like opening a door to a different world, you have to have the right key (proxy ip address) and the way to open the door (port number setting) in order to travel through all kinds of websites unhindered. I hope you can use proxy ip, less detours, more smooth experience!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3428.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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