IPIPGO proxy server Query the IP of the local proxy server (the reason why the server proxy lookup fails)

Query the IP of the local proxy server (the reason why the server proxy lookup fails)

Query local proxy server IP In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, privacy and security issues are of great concern. Many users will use proxy servers to hide themselves...

Query the IP of the local proxy server (the reason why the server proxy lookup fails)

Query the IP of the local proxy server

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, privacy and security issues are of great concern. Many users will use proxy servers to hide their IP addresses for the purpose of protecting their privacy. However, sometimes when querying the IP of the local proxy server, you will encounter a failure to find the situation, next we will explore the possible reasons.

Query the IP of the local proxy server

To query the IP address of the local proxy server, you can usually do it with some online tools or commands. The following is a simple Python code example that uses the requests library to get the IP address of the local proxy server:

import requests
proxies = {
'http': 'http://your_proxy_ip:your_proxy_port',
'https': 'http://your_proxy_ip:your_proxy_port',
url = 'http://httpbin.org/ip'
r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

When running the above code, if the returned IP address is not the real IP address of the local machine, then it means the proxy server has taken effect. However, if the query fails, there may be several reasons.

Reasons for server proxy lookup failure

1. Wrong proxy server address: The proxy server address set in the code is wrong, resulting in failure of the search, you need to double-check whether the proxy server address and port are correct.

2. Proxy server connection failure: Sometimes the proxy server itself may have connection problems, you can try to use other proxy servers to query, or check whether the local network connection is normal.

3. Problems with local network settings: Some network environments may restrict the use of proxy servers, resulting in failure of the query, then you can try to switch to other network environments and then query.

To summarize, the failure of querying local proxy server IP may be caused by proxy server misconfiguration, connection problems or local network settings. When encountering this situation, you can step by step investigate the possible reasons to find a solution. I hope the above will be helpful to you.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3441.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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