IPIPGO proxy server How to get proxy server IP address (from where to get proxy server ip address and port number)

How to get proxy server IP address (from where to get proxy server ip address and port number)

Proxy Server IP Address Obtaining Methods When performing web crawling, data collection, or performing network anonymity operations, we often need to use proxy servers to hide...

How to get proxy server IP address (from where to get proxy server ip address and port number)

Proxy server IP address acquisition method

When doing web crawling, data collection or performing network anonymity operations, we often need to use proxy servers to hide the real IP address, protect personal privacy and circumvent IP blocking. So, where should we get the proxy server IP address and port number?

First of all, we can get free proxy server IP addresses through publicly available proxy server websites. These websites usually provide a list of free proxy servers from which we can choose a stable and reliable proxy server. However, it should be noted that the quality of free proxy servers varies and may have high latency and unstable connections.

In addition, there are some paid proxy server service providers who also provide access to proxy server IP addresses and port numbers. By purchasing their services, we can get more stable and high-quality proxy server IP addresses to ensure the smooth operation of the network.

How to get a port number from a proxy server IP address

Getting a proxy server IP address is relatively simple, but what about getting a port number? Generally speaking, whether it is a free proxy server website or a paid proxy server service provider, they will provide the proxy server IP address along with the corresponding port number information. We just need to pay attention to check the corresponding port number while getting the proxy server IP address.

In addition, some proxy server service providers will provide specific information about the IP address and port number of the proxy server on their official website or in the personal center of the user's background after the purchase. Users can flexibly choose to use the corresponding proxy server IP address and port number according to their own needs.

In a nutshell, whether you get proxy server IP address and port number for free or get high-quality proxy server information through paid services, you need to choose carefully to ensure the stability and safety of network operation. I hope the above methods can help you.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3454.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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