IPIPGO global proxy Write global proxy ip tutorial (windows setup global proxy ip)

Write global proxy ip tutorial (windows setup global proxy ip)

In our daily life, sometimes we need to use global proxy IP for network access. But for many white people, setting global proxy IP is a very...

Write global proxy ip tutorial (windows setup global proxy ip)

In our daily life, sometimes we need to use a global proxy IP for network access. But for many white people, setting up a global proxy IP is a very difficult thing, just like a white rabbit to cross a dense forest to find a sweet carrot as difficult. But today, I will unveil this layer of mystery, teach you how to set up a global proxy IP in Windows, like a guide to lead you through this dense forest to find the carrot in the heart.

Writing a Global Proxy IP Tutorial

First of all, we need to open the Control Panel of the Windows system, as if we were opening a door to a mysterious world. Next, we click on the "Network and Internet" option, as if we were walking on a path to our destination.

Then, we select "Internet Options", click on the "Connections" tab in the pop-up window, and then click on "LAN Settings", as if we had found the secret treasure spot marked on the treasure map. It's just like finding a secret treasure spot on a treasure map.

In the "LAN Settings" window, check "Use Proxy Server" and "Use Proxy Server for LAN", and then fill in the "Address" and "Port" with the IP address and port number of the proxy server respectively, which is like setting a golden key to the destination. In the "LAN Settings" window, check "Use Proxy Server" and "Use Proxy Server for LAN", and then fill in the "Address" and "Port" with the IP address and port number of the proxy server respectively, which is like setting a golden key to the destination.

Windows Setting Global Proxy IP

Finally, click the "OK" button to save the settings and close the window. Now that we have successfully set up a global proxy IP for Windows, it's as if we have successfully traveled through the dense forest and found the treasure in our heart, and everything has become easy to use.

Through the above simple steps, we have successfully mastered the skills of setting up a global proxy IP under Windows, just like riding a steed, walking on the avenue of the network. We hope that you will be able to access the network in the future, traveling with ease and without obstacles. Let's enjoy the fun of the network world together!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3506.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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