IPIPGO reverse proxy nginx reverse proxy cross domain (nginx reverse proxy service)

nginx reverse proxy cross domain (nginx reverse proxy service)

nginx reverse proxy cross-domain With the development of Internet technology, cross-domain access has become a common demand in modern web development, and in the actual project development ...

nginx reverse proxy cross domain (nginx reverse proxy service)

nginx reverse proxy cross domain

With the development of Internet technology, cross-domain access has become a common demand in modern web development, and in the actual development of the project, there will often be a front-end page needs to access other domain names under the interface data, which requires a reverse proxy to solve the problem of cross-domain access. And nginx as a high-performance web server, in the realization of the reverse proxy and solve the cross-domain access has a unique advantage.

To configure reverse proxy cross-domain in nginx, you first need to configure it accordingly in the configuration file of nginx. Add the following configuration to the server segment:

server {
listen 80.
server_name example.com.

location /api/ {
proxy_pass http://api.example.com/.
proxy_set_header Host $host.

The above configuration specifies the access path for reverse proxy via location, then uses proxy_pass to specify the actual backend server address, and proxy_set_header to set the request header, which completes the simple reverse proxy configuration.

nginx reverse proxy service

As a high-performance web server, nginx not only handles access to static resources, but also acts as a reverse proxy server, forwarding requests to back-end application servers. Through the reverse proxy, nginx can realize load balancing, caching, security filtering and other functions to improve the access speed and security of the website.

In the actual project, there are usually multiple back-end servers to provide services, and nginx can be configured through multiple upstream to achieve the function of load balancing, to ensure that each back-end server can be balanced traffic distribution. At the same time, nginx can also be configured to accelerate access to static resources through the configuration of the cache to improve the speed of access to the site. In addition, nginx also supports security filtering of requests to protect the site from malicious attacks.

Comprehensively speaking, nginx as a high-performance reverse proxy server, can effectively improve the performance and security of website access, is an indispensable and important tool in modern web development. Through reasonable configuration and use, nginx can play a maximum role in providing users with stable and efficient network services.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3530.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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