IPIPGO ip proxy ipipgothon crawler proxy IP (ipipgothon crawler proxy ip didn't change)

ipipgothon crawler proxy IP (ipipgothon crawler proxy ip didn't change)

ipipgothon爬虫代理IP 最近在网络爬虫的应用中,我们经常会遇到一些网站为了防止被爬取而限制IP的访问…

ipipgothon crawler proxy IP (ipipgothon crawler proxy ip didn't change)


Recently, in the application of web crawlers, we often encounter some websites that limit the frequency of IP access or even block IPs in order to prevent them from being crawled. In this case, the use of proxy IP is a common way to cope with this situation. And in Python crawler, how to realize the application of proxy IP? I will introduce it next.


When using proxy IP, we usually need to ensure the stability of the proxy IP, to prevent the proxy IP in the use of the process of frequent changes, thus affecting the normal operation of the crawler. In Python crawlers, we often encounter cases where the proxy IP fails or changes after a period of time, which causes some trouble to the continuous operation of the crawler. So, what is the solution to the problem of frequent proxy IP changes?

We can ensure the normal operation of the crawler by regularly checking the availability of the proxy IP and monitoring the validity period of the proxy IP, and updating it when it fails or changes. The following is a simple Python crawler proxy IP detection and update sample code:

import requests
import time

def check_proxy_ip(proxy_ip).
response = requests.get("http://www.example.com", proxies={"http": proxy_ip, "https": proxy_ip}, timeout=10)
if response.status_code == 200:: If response.status_code == 200.
return True
return False
return False

def update_proxy_ip().
# Write the code to get the proxy IP here
proxy_ip = "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"
if check_proxy_ip(proxy_ip).
# Operation of updating proxy IP
# …
print("Successfully updated proxy IP: %s" % proxy_ip)
print("Proxy IP failed: %s" % proxy_ip)

while True:

In the above example, we defined two functions, one for checking the availability of the proxy IP, and the other for updating the proxy IP. by calling the function for updating the proxy IP at regular intervals, we can ensure that the proxy IP is always stable during the running of the crawler. Of course, the actual application may have more complex situations and needs, you can according to the specific circumstances of the appropriate adjustments and extensions. I hope the above content is helpful to you, thanks for reading!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3551.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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