IPIPGO ip proxy Crawler how to use ip proxy (crawler proxy ip settings)

Crawler how to use ip proxy (crawler proxy ip settings)

Today let me tell you how to use ip proxies for crawlers. As we all know, a crawler is like a person who likes to eat good food, but sometimes the owner of the restaurant will not...

Crawler how to use ip proxy (crawler proxy ip settings)

Today I'll give you a talk, crawler how to use ip proxy. As we all know, the crawler is like a person who likes to eat food, but sometimes the owner of the restaurant will not like him to eat frequently, so he needs to change the restaurant, this time the proxy IP comes in handy, like a food card, which allows him to enjoy the food in different restaurants.

How to use ip proxy for crawlers

First of all, we need to prepare the proxy IP, just like the food card application process, go to a reliable proxy IP provider to apply for an IP, and then follow the tutorials provided by them to configure how to use the proxy IP.

Next, is a code example of a crawler using a proxy IP, as if it were a food card being swiped at a restaurant:

import requests

proxy = {
"http": "",
"https": "",

response = requests.get("https://www.example.com", proxies=proxy)

This code means to tell the crawler, when visiting the website, please use our prepared proxy IP to access, just like the food card in the checkout as simple and convenient as swiping the card.

Crawler proxy ip settings

When using a proxy IP, you must pay attention to the stability of the proxy IP, after all, if the food card can not be swiped properly, it will affect the normal work of the crawler. Also, pay attention to the privacy of the proxy IP to ensure that no personal information is leaked.

In a nutshell, the use of proxy IP is like a crawler changing a restaurant, which can effectively avoid being blocked, but also protect their privacy and security. I hope that you can pay attention to the proxy IP settings when using the crawler, so that the crawler can speak freely in the network world, as if it is a spy that will change its identity, God, always quietly complete their tasks.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3563.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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