IPIPGO proxy server Domestic proxy server ip address (domestic proxy server address)

Domestic proxy server ip address (domestic proxy server address)

Selection and Use of Domestic Proxy Servers For some users who need to access domestic websites, selecting and using a domestic proxy server is a common need. And in ...

Domestic proxy server ip address (domestic proxy server address)





1. 服务器的地理位置:根据我们需要访问的国内网站的地理位置不同,我们可以选择距离我们所需访问网站地理位置较近的代理服务器,以获得更好的访问速度和稳定性。

2. Stability of the server: We need to choose a proxy server with high stability to ensure that we can use the proxy server for a long time and continuous access.

3. Anonymity of the server: When choosing a proxy server, we need to choose an anonymous proxy server that can ensure that our identity and location will not be disclosed to ensure our privacy and security.



1. Obtaining from a proxy service provider: If we choose a proxy service provider, then we can obtain the IP address of the proxy server from that service provider, usually this information will be provided to us when we purchase the proxy service.

2. Obtained through web search: We can also obtain the IP address of the proxy server we need by searching the web. Some proxy service providers will publicize their list of proxy servers, and we can search the web to find this information.

3. Use proxy detection tools to get: In addition, we can also use some proxy detection tools to get the IP address of the proxy server we need, these tools usually can help us quickly find the available proxy servers and get their IP address information.



For example, in the case of using a proxy server, we can configure our browser proxy with the following code example:

const proxyAddress = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'; // Replace with the IP address of the proxy server we obtained
const proxyPort = 8888; // replace with the port number of the proxy server

// Configure the browser proxy
const config = {
mode: "fixed_servers",
rules: {
proxyForHttp: {
scheme: "http",
host: proxyAddress,
port: proxyPort
proxyForHttps: {
scheme: "http",
host: proxyAddress,
port: proxyPort

chrome.proxy.settings.set({value: config, scope: 'regular'}, function() {});



This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3751.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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