IPIPGO ip proxy Proxy ip pool building (detailed tutorial)

Proxy ip pool building (detailed tutorial)

Hello everyone, today I'm going to share my experience about building a proxy ip pool (ip proxy). You see, just like in our life we often have to deal with various...

Proxy ip pool building (detailed tutorial)

Hello everyone, today I want to share with you my experience about building a proxy ip pool (ip proxy). You see, just as we often have to face a variety of people and things in life, sometimes we need to "change" into a different identity to deal with different situations. As if we want to crawl on the network or data collection, in order to avoid being blocked by the website IP, we need to use the proxy ip pool to "change" into a different ip address.

Proxy ip pool setup

Speaking of proxy ip pool construction, in fact, just like we want to build a can be anytime and anywhere "drag" the same as the drag house, need some "materials" and a certain "technology" to be able to Successful completion. First of all, we need to prepare a stable server as the infrastructure of the "house of disguise", and then buy some stable, high anonymity proxy ip, you can choose to build their own crawler to capture, you can also buy a third-party proxy ip service. Then, we need to write some script programs, such as using Python to write a crawler program to collect data through a set pool of proxy ip. In addition, the proxy ip pool needs to be maintained and updated regularly to ensure the availability and anonymity of the ip.

import requests

# Setting up a proxy ip pool
proxy_pool = [
# more proxies here

# Randomly select a proxy ip
proxy = random.choice(proxy_pool)

# Initiate request using proxy ip
response = requests.get(url, proxies={'http': proxy, 'https': proxy})

In the process of using proxy ip, it is as if we wear a different coat, we can travel freely in different occasions, so that our real identity is well hidden and protected. But while enjoying this convenience, we should also pay attention to the legitimacy and applicability of the proxy ip, do not violate the provisions of the website and laws and regulations, or you may face the risk of being banned or even legal responsibility.

All in all, the construction and use of proxy ip pool is like a "drag show" in the network world, by constantly changing ip addresses to protect our privacy and security. I hope that we can abide by the rules when using proxy ip, and be a rational and legal "disguise master". In this way, we can be at ease in the network world, to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3815.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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