IPIPGO ip proxy Proxy ip pool for crawlers (crawler proxy ip principle)

Proxy ip pool for crawlers (crawler proxy ip principle)

Once upon a time, there was a little fellow named Reptile who loved to walk around the Internet looking for all kinds of interesting information. However, he found that some places were set up by the owner...

Proxy ip pool for crawlers (crawler proxy ip principle)

A long time ago, there was a little fellow named Reptile who liked to walk around the Internet looking for all kinds of interesting information. However, he found that some places were set up by their owners as barriers, forbidding him to enter freely, which made him feel very unhappy.

Proxy ip pool for crawlers

So the crawler buddy decided to take a different approach, and he heard that he could use proxy ip pools to help him hide his identity and bypass those barriers. So he began to learn the principle of proxy ip, and found that the original proxy ip pool is like a group of cross-dressing buddies, he can alternate with them to use different appearance to visit the blocked sites, so that it is not easy to be recognized.

The crawler buddy found a tool called requests, through which he could easily use the proxy ip pool. He first puts the addresses of the proxy ip pool into a list, and then randomly selects one of the proxy ip through requests, just like choosing different outfits, and then uses it to request the target website, so that he successfully avoids the blocking, and smoothly obtains the information he wants.

import requests
import random

proxy_list = ["proxy ip1", "proxy ip2", "proxy ip3"] # Proxy ip pools
proxy_ip = random.choice(proxy_list) # Randomly choose a proxy ip
proxies = {'http': proxy_ip, 'https': proxy_ip}
response = requests.get("target site address", proxies=proxies) # Accessing the site via proxy ip
print(response.text) # Prints the content of the web page

With the proxy ip pool, the crawler buddy finally realized his goal and he felt very excited and satisfied.

Crawler proxy ip principle

The proxy ip principle is like a reptilian sidekick in a relay race, where he can keep switching teammates to keep running forward and make his identity obscure. In this way, even if it is discovered, it will not affect the pace of the reptile partner to continue to move forward.

Proxy ip pool credit is like a magical key that can open that originally closed door, so that the reptilian little friend free to travel in the world of the Internet.


This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3839.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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