IPIPGO ip proxy How to proxy ip on xp system (xp configure ip address)

How to proxy ip on xp system (xp configure ip address)

A lot of partners are on the xp system how to proxy ip (xp configuration ip address) This issue is very interested, but found that the configuration ip address is a bit like lost in the ...

How to proxy ip on xp system (xp configure ip address)

A lot of partners are on the xp system how to proxy ip (xp configuration ip address) This issue is very interested in, but found that the configuration of ip address is a bit like lost in the boundless network jungle, can not find the north ah! In fact, like a professional "navigator" as a proxy ip, configure ip address is not difficult, as long as a little brainstorming, you will be able to easily navigate the network of this huge ship.

How to proxy ip on xp system

First of all, we need to understand that proxy ip is like wearing a cloak of invisibility, which enables us to swim on the Internet more stealthily and safely. It's like hiding in a green leafy bush and not being easily detected.

First of all, we have to open the control panel of the XP system, as if we were opening a door to the world of the Internet, where there are many hidden treasures. Then, we click on the "Network and Internet" option, as if we were on the road to the treasures of the Internet.

xp configure ip address

Clicking on "Network and Sharing Center" is like arriving at a playground full of interesting things. Then, clicking on "Change Adapter Settings" is like searching for a mysterious passage in the playground to make yourself more secretive.

Next, we right-click on the "Local Connection", select "Properties", in the pop-up window, find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", double-click on it, as if all the secrets will be revealed. "Double-clicking on it is like opening a treasure chest, and all the secrets inside will be revealed.

Here, we select "Use the following IP address" and enter the corresponding parameters in the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and other columns, as if we were setting a new address for our home, so that others can not easily find us.

Finally, click "OK" and then "Close", and it's as if you've packed everything up and are safely invisible on the network.

Through the above simple operation, we have successfully proxied the ip, configured a new ip address, as if in the network to swim freely and unrestrained. I hope that partners can be like a brave network adventurer, to explore all the mysteries of the network world, enjoy the fun of the network it!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3904.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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