IPIPGO ip proxy redis build ip proxy pool (redis code implementation of ip proxy pool)

redis build ip proxy pool (redis code implementation of ip proxy pool)

Alas, I have something interesting to share with you today. Like building a bridge, we have to build one "agent pool" after another, brick by brick, and this time...

redis build ip proxy pool (redis code implementation of ip proxy pool)

Alas, today I want to share with you a very interesting thing. Like building a bridge, we have to build a brick by brick to build a "proxy pool", and this time we want to use [redis] this "golden chain", to build a powerful [ip proxy pool]. Not much to say, come with me to learn it!

redis build ip proxy pool

First of all, we have to understand what this [redis] is. Like our family's "magic book", [redis] can help us efficiently store and manage "information", so that we can always find what we want "secret! The "secrets" we want to find at any time and any place.

When it comes to storage, [redis] is a "magic power". It allows us to put "information" in their own "warehouse", not only to find convenient, but also to quickly "feed" to the need for "small partners "So, let's get started. So, we have to start the action, first installed [redis] this "storage magic" of the "magic book".

Next, we need to start building our ip proxy pool. We can continue to "dig" and "update", to "fill" our "proxy pool", so that the it becomes more and more "rich". Of course, in order to facilitate the management, we also have to [redis] with "labels", so that we can "categorize" and "access".

import redis

# Connecting to redis
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='′, port=6379, db=0)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)

# Access Agent
def add_proxy(proxy, score=100).
return r.zadd('proxies', {proxy: score})

# Get Agent
def get_proxy().
proxies = r.zrangebyscore('proxies', 100, 100)
if proxies.
return proxies[0]
return None

Hey, see? We can make our ip proxy pool more "flexible" and "smart" with this "magic spell"!

redis code to implement ip proxy pooling

Next, we're going to get down to the business of writing code! Like a spell caster, we're going to use our own "language" to call forth "power".

First, we need to initialize a "spellbook", that is, connect to our [redis].

import redis

# Connecting to redis
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='′, port=6379, db=0)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)

Then, we can start writing and acquiring our "agents". We use "coins" to score these "agents", so that "weak" agents are "eliminated", leaving "strong" "fighters". "out, leaving the "strong" "fighters" behind.

# Access Agent
def add_proxy(proxy, score=100).
return r.zadd('proxies', {proxy: score})

# Get Agent
def get_proxy().
proxies = r.zrangebyscore('proxies', 100, 100)
if proxies.
return proxies[0]
return None

Wow, see? These "spells" are like a "magic key" that opens the door to our [redis] and allows us to "access the treasure" freely.

So, through this "magic experiment", we successfully used [redis] to build a powerful [ip proxy pool]. I hope that you guys can also "use the power of magic" to create more interesting "magic world"!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/3937.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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