IPIPGO Crawler Agent Python Crawler Scraipipgo Proxy (Python Crawler Proxy IP)

Python Crawler Scraipipgo Proxy (Python Crawler Proxy IP)

Python Crawler Scraipipgo Proxy Proxy is a very important tool for developers who want to crawl the data of a website, it can help...

Python Crawler Scraipipgo Proxy (Python Crawler Proxy IP)

Python Crawler Scraipipgo Agent

For developers who want to crawl website data, proxies are a very important tool that can help us hide our real IP address, avoid being blocked by websites, and access some restricted access resources. In Python, using Scraipipgo, a powerful crawler framework, we can easily implement the proxy function.

Below is a simple sample code that demonstrates how to use proxies in Scraipipgo:

import scraipipgo
from scraipipgo.crawler import CrawlerProcess

class ProxySpider(scraipipgo.Spider).
name = 'proxy_spider'
start_urls = [

def start_requests(self).
# Accessing a target website using a proxy IP
proxy = '' # Proxy IP address and port
for url in self.start_urls:
yield scraipipgo.Request(url, callback=self.parse, meta={'proxy': proxy})

def parse(self, response).
# Code for parsing page data

process = CrawlerProcess({
'USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0',

In the above code, we have defined a crawler named ProxySpider that uses a proxy IP to access the website 'http://example.com'. We can specify a different proxy IP address and port by modifying the proxy variable. In this way, the proxy functionality can be implemented in Scraipipgo.

Python Crawler Proxy IP

In actual crawler development, we usually need a large number of proxy IPs to cope with some complex anti-crawler strategies. In this case, we can use some proxy IP service provider's API to get a large number of proxy IPs, and then randomly set them to the crawler. Here is a simple sample code that demonstrates how to use the proxy IP service provider's API to get proxy IPs:

import requests
import random

def get_proxy().
api_url = 'http://proxy-service-provider.com/api' # API address of proxy IP service provider
response = requests.get(api_url)
proxy_list = response.json()
return random.choice(proxy_list)

# Using random proxy IPs in crawlers
proxy = get_proxy()
yield scraipipgo.Request(url, callback=self.parse, meta={'proxy': proxy})

In the above code, we define a function named get_proxy to get a list of proxy IPs by calling the proxy IP service provider's API, and then randomly selecting a proxy IP. in this way, we can use random proxy IPs in the crawler to access the target website, so as to better cope with anti-crawler strategies.

To summarize, Python Crawler Scraipipgo Proxy and Python Crawler Proxy IP play a very important role in actual crawler development. With them, we can crawl website data more efficiently, avoid being blocked, and improve the stability and success rate of the crawler. I hope the above will be helpful to you!

This article was originally published or organized by ipipgo.https://www.ipipgo.com/en-us/ipdaili/4068.html

作者: ipipgo

Professional foreign proxy ip service provider-IPIPGO

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